Open dlitvakb opened 3 months ago
Here's a snippet to Export a Vimsidian (or any Obsidian-like) Markdown file to PDF.
It uses markdown-pdf to convert the current file into a PDF and save it to the /Exports folder under your Vimsidian Path.
It also requires a CSS stylesheet, but you can choose whichever. CSS File name is hardcoded, but could be easily extracted.
let $VIMSIDIAN_EXPORTS_PATH = g:vimsidian_path . '/Exports/' let $VIMSIDIAN_MEDIA_PATH = g:vimsidian_path . '/Media/' let $VIMSIDIAN_PDF_TEMPLATE_THEME = $VIMSIDIAN_EXPORTS_PATH . 'pdf_theme.min.css' function! ToCleanMarkdown() " remove all comments silent execute '%s/<!--\(\(-->\)\@!\(.\|\n\)\)*-->//ge' " remove all trailing whitespace silent execute '%s/\s\+$//ge' " merge empty lines silent execute '%g/^$/,/./-j' " replace Obsidian links with aliases to the alias silent execute '%s/\[\[[^|]*[|]\+\([^\]]*\)\]\]/[[\1]]/ge' " remove all Obsidian links silent execute '%s/\[\[\([^\]]*\)\]\]/\1/ge' endfunction function! ExpandVimsidianMediaPath() silent execute '%s#!\[\([^\]]\+\)\](\([^)]\+\))#![\1](' . $VIMSIDIAN_MEDIA_PATH . '\2)#ge' endfunction function! GeneratePDFFromMarkdown() " prevent nerdtree sync from stopping process let nerdtree_toggled = 0 if exists('g:NERDTree') && g:NERDTree.IsOpen() let nerdtree_toggled = 1 silent execute 'NERDTreeToggle' endif " Set file names let current_file = expand('%:p') let output_file = $VIMSIDIAN_EXPORTS_PATH . expand('%:t:r') . '.pdf' let temp_file = current_file . '.tmp' " Copy current file into a temporary one silent execute '!cp "' . current_file . '" "' . temp_file . '"' " Create a buffer for the tempfile let current_buffer = bufnr('') let g:to_pdf = bufnr(temp_file, 1) " Switch to tempfile buffer silent execute g:to_pdf . 'buffer' call ToCleanMarkdown() call ExpandVimsidianMediaPath() " Add styling class and closing tag silent call append(line('^'), '<div class="fs-pdf">') silent call append(line('$'), '</div>') " clear search term silent noh " save temp file silent execute 'write' " go back to original buffer silent execute current_buffer . 'buffer' " Create markdown silent execute '!markdown-pdf -f A4 -m "{\"html\": true}" -s "' . $VIMSIDIAN_PDF_TEMPLATE_THEME . '" "' . temp_file . '" -o "' . output_file . '"' " clear no longer relevant buffer silent execute g:to_pdf . 'bwipeout' " remove file silent execute '!rm "' . temp_file . '"' " Open file in Preview silent execute '!open "' . output_file . '"' " update UI redraw! echo 'PDF Created at: ' . output_file " reopen NERDTree if closed if (nerdtree_toggled) silent execute 'NERDTreeToggle' endif endfunction augroup vimsidian_commands au! " other stuff here ... au BufNewFile,BufReadPost $VIMSIDIAN_PATH_PATTERN nn <silent> <Leader>P :call GeneratePDFFromMarkdown()<CR> augroup END
Feel free to consider this and modify it to your liking
Here's a snippet to Export a Vimsidian (or any Obsidian-like) Markdown file to PDF.
It uses
to convert the current file into a PDF and save it to the/Exports
folder under your Vimsidian Path.It also requires a CSS stylesheet, but you can choose whichever. CSS File name is hardcoded, but could be easily extracted.
Feel free to consider this and modify it to your liking