The current VimsidianFormatLink function is unique and specialised, so users cannot understand it, and it is difficult to customise.
This command will be removed from this plugin and rebuilt as a link format plugin if necessary.
function! vimsidian#unit#FormatLinkString(s) abort
let s = substitute(a:s, '\v(\s|\n|^|\!|\(|[\u3001]|[\u3002])@<![[', ' [[', 'g')
let s = substitute(s, '\v]](\s|\n|$|\.|\,|\)|[\u3001]|[\u3002])@!', ']] ', 'g')
let s = substitute(s, '\v(\s|\n|^|\!|\(|[\u3001]|[\u3002])@<!\s+[[', ' [[', 'g')
let s = substitute(s, '\v(\!|\(|[\u3001]|[\u3002])@<=\s+[[', '[[', 'g')
let s = substitute(s, '\v]]\s+(\s|\n|$|\.|\,|\)|[\u3001]|[\u3002])@!', ']] ', 'g')
let s = substitute(s, '\v]]\s+(\n|$|\.|\,|\)|[\u3001]|[\u3002])@=', ']]', 'g')
return s
The current VimsidianFormatLink function is unique and specialised, so users cannot understand it, and it is difficult to customise.
This command will be removed from this plugin and rebuilt as a link format plugin if necessary.