kisanjong / rotalabutterfly

Planted Tank Nutrient Calculator
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General Development Talk #7

Open ravenwilde opened 9 years ago

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

This thread is reserved for discussion between developers regarding code hand-offs etc.

Any bugs, new features, or calculation errors should be put into individual tickets.

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

@fablau - carrying this discussion over from the old thread:

How do we want to handle messages - do you want to compile them with the appropriate embedded variables server side? Or would you like me to try and handle it in the javascript?

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

@fablau PS. I've set the 'Round to...' select dropdown to default to 2.

fablau commented 9 years ago

Great to be on this new thread!

How do we want to handle messages - do you want to compile them with the appropriate embedded variables server side? Or would you like me to try and handle it in the javascript?

Either way, as you prefer. For me is pretty simple, but if you have already something in place, and you like to do it in JS, please, go ahead. Let me know, it's your call! :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Ui ver 1.1 now on test server and looking great :)

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

@fablau - I had an 'aha!' moment last night and realized that I could handle the output message variable interpolation with a string replace function. So I'll take care of this on my end.

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

I've opened a 'Calculation Testing' Issue that you (Jason) can link to on the forums if you want to enlist people as testers. I figure its probably easier (for them) if we have them report any problems they find in that one thread rather than have them open new issues.

Also, please chime in on that thread if I forgot to list something else that they should report.

fablau commented 9 years ago

PS. I've set the 'Round to...' select dropdown to default to 2.

I forgot this... great, thank you Jen!

fablau commented 9 years ago

I had an 'aha!' moment last night and realized that I could handle the output message variable interpolation with a string replace function. So I'll take care of this on my end.


fablau commented 9 years ago

Ui ver 1.1 now on test server and looking great :)

Yes, working great indeed. Great job Jennifer!

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Links posted on the Barr report and I'll speak to a few people asap for beta testers.

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Should we open an issue for the high charts feature that was used in wets calculator?

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Yes. I will do that. I'm still trying to figure out how he was generating that range chart - I'm not entirely sure that highcharts was used for that.

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

I'm not positive it was high charts but its mentioned in his readme file at Flores.

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

I think he was using highcharts for the longterm modeling but the range chart may have been homegrown.... I've been looking through the code, but its ruby, so its taking a while ;)

fablau commented 9 years ago

I think he was using highcharts for the longterm modeling but the range chart may have been homegrown.... I've been looking through the code, but its ruby, so its taking a while ;)

Jennifer, I think the code controlling the chart is at the bottom of the original nutes.rb (from line 301, "fancy graphs"). I left that part of the code out from my translation to PHP.

fablau commented 9 years ago

Links posted on the Barr report and I'll speak to a few people asap for beta testers.

Great, thank you Jason!

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Jennifer, I think the code controlling the chart at the bottom of the original nutes.rb (from line 301). I left that code out from my translation to PHP.

Yeah, that's what I've been looking at - I think you may have to generate some of the vars and pass them off to me.

fablau commented 9 years ago

Yes, I think I can do that pretty easily. Looks like he was handling template place-holders directly there. I could translate those into simple vars, and then give them back to you in the AJAX response... thoughts?

fablau commented 9 years ago

The only issue could be with loops... we could end up having a lot of variables, and I don't think that would be the right way to do it. That should be done via JS, maybe having the starting and ending points only? I'll think a little bit more about this.

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Let me look at the code more in depth and I'll have a more cogent response for you later tonight.

fablau commented 9 years ago

Let me look at the code more in depth and I'll have a more cogent response for you later tonight.


kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Some one mentioned multiple selection for example the whole ei..

They can select trace +n +p +k and get results as a Printable list for all?

fablau commented 9 years ago

Some one mentioned multiple selection for example the whole ei.. They can select trace +n +p +k and get results as a Printable list for all?

That could be done easily UI input side, but the whole work would be JS side, therefore Jennifer's... she should re-iterate more calls to the PHP backend for each requested compound, then build the output list. Maybe keep this as a future feature?

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Maybe keep this as a future feature?

Yeah... this is something we could do later on. For now I'd like to focus on replicating the features of wet's calculator. Once we get all of those taken care of then we can look at building out something like this.

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

I totally agree Jennifer that new features will come after.

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Hello both :) how things going? :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Looking good Jennifer :) @fablau will need to confirm the language is correct but from what I can see its working fine on the ui just the results are still English.

fablau commented 9 years ago

Looking good Jennifer :) @fablau will need to confirm the language is correct but from what I can see its working fine on the ui just the results are still English.

Jason, do you want me to look at the Italian template file? Please, let me know. Thanks.

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Hi guys - I've in the middle of transitioning to a new job (Yaaaay!) so I had to put this on hold for a bit. I'm also moving all my work over to a different computer so I need to set my dev environment up again. I've got it mostly there but I need to do that whole, PEAR, PECL, YAML thing again. I'll probably be back on track and working on this again by early next week.

@fablau - If you want to start work on the Italian language file you should look at the one that I pushed along with the UI branch - its located here: I had to change it from the original a bit to work better with our current UI... and I used Google Translate, so I am 100% certain that it needs improving. :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Yes please Fab as Jennifer said :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

That's great news Jennifer congratulations on the new job :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Guys I have a couple of vb4 licences that are not being used so do you think it's worth me setting one up on rotalabutterfly so we can use it for feedback and development?

Keeping all the feedback and translations etc from testers and interested users in one forum rather than all over the place.

It would also be handy for feature ideas, new commercial product information etc.



kisanjong commented 9 years ago

you both have an email :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

I've moved all files from the /test/ to the root and linked wets original one in the header menu along with the forum link.

now hosted at

Jennifer i have not added these links to github as i don't want to interfere with your current work but would like them adding when possible please.

Thanks :)

fablau commented 9 years ago

@fablau - If you want to start work on the Italian language file you should look at the one that I pushed along with the UI branch - its located here: I had to change it from the original a bit to work better with our current UI... and I used Google Translate, so I am 100% certain that it needs improving. :)

Ok, I can work on that. Just to be sure, once I have modified the it.json inside the UI branch, can I just "Commit to UI"?

fablau commented 9 years ago

I've in the middle of transitioning to a new job (Yaaaay!)

Congrats indeed!

fablau commented 9 years ago

you both have an email :)

Ok, I'll check it out asap. Thanks Jason.

fablau commented 9 years ago

Jennifer, I am afraid you missed my question above: once I update the it.json file, can I just "commit to UI" inside GIT?

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Sorry, @fablau - Yes, just commit your changes to that file to the UI branch and I can pull them from there. Thanks for your patience - I should be back to work on this project tomorrow.

fablau commented 9 years ago

Thank you Jennifer, just updated the file and committed, please, let me know if that's ok.

I have found a lot of mistakes, wrong phrases, etc... a little mess. Hopefully now is more correct :)

Also, I have noticed a discrepancy with the corresponding English template, on line 42 the English template (en.json) includes the following line:

"dose": "Your addition of ${dose_amount} to your ${tank_size} aquarium adds",

Whereas in the Italian template was this way:

"dose": "Aggiungendo %1 al tuo acquario di %2 ti dà",

So, I have changed it to:

"dose": "Aggiungendo ${dose_amount} al tuo acquario di ${tank_size} ti dà",

But I guess the following lines need ot be changed as well, in both templates (probably all of them) to use the "newer" ${dose_amount} instead than %1, etc. (I guess so... am I right Jennifer?)

Best, Fab.

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

I think you are correct about the %1, your commit was to this file?

I'm asking as I don't see the commit and the last commit date is older than today.


fablau commented 9 years ago

Yes Jason, that's the correct file now (I had to Sync again right now!)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Got it thanks :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

sorry i pressed the wrong button when posting and closed the issue by mistake..

the ui seems fine fab, but the results are still in English unless this is still in development?

Italian file now added to

fablau commented 9 years ago

the ui seems fine fab, but the results are still in English unless this is still in development?

Jennifer can help on that?

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Still in development - I'm going to put in some work on this later today, but, just so you guys know, I'm going to be tied up from Friday thru Monday and probably won't have much to push until Wednesday of next week. Sorry for being slow - things are kind of chaotic for me right now with the job transition.

fablau commented 9 years ago

No worries Jen, this is just for fun! Take it easy :)

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

Hi Jen as Fab said :) the new job is far more important.

kisanjong commented 9 years ago

@ravenwilde I've added a few more issues for you to see, the KCI has been fixed and changed in the compounds file of the php branch.

ravenwilde commented 9 years ago

Hey @kisanjong and @fablau - I'm back to working on this now, just finishing setting up my dev environment on my new (to me) computer and catching up on what's been going on here discussion-wise. Might take me a few days before I have anything to push but I'm back in touch now.