kishikawakatsumi / KeychainAccess

Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
MIT License
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iOS 15 support #530

Open leocallas opened 2 years ago

leocallas commented 2 years ago

There's an error when adding a Touch ID / Face ID protected item on iOS 15 simulators and devices:

OSStatus error:[-25293] The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct.

It's working on below iOS 15.

khose commented 2 years ago

Same situation here, and pretty blocking by the way. I'll add more information as soon as I have it.

leocallas commented 2 years ago

This line causing the error as I've looked

leocallas commented 2 years ago

@khose Anything? it's blocker for us too

kishikawakatsumi commented 2 years ago

@leocallas @khose I can hardly reproduce the problem. Please share the actual code you wrote. If possible, please share a small project that reproduces the problem. Thanks for reporting.

leocallas commented 2 years ago

@kishikawakatsumi Actually, I've reproduced this on KeychainAccess example project as well. Also, further testing shows that It's not happening on every device. For example, error occurs on iPhone 12 (iOS 15.1), but not on iPhone 11 (iOS 15.1), but also occurs on iPhone 12 (iOS 15.0.2). Couldn't catch a pattern yet. :(

khose commented 2 years ago

@khose Anything? it's blocker for us too

No news from our side. I've debugged it and indeed it doesn't happen on every device. And in our case, it happens on the simulator 100% of times (XCode Version 13.1 (13A1030d), simulators running iOS 15). We have a pretty tight deadline so we can't dedicate much time to this.

Our workaround so far is to remove biometric accessibility in simulators and hope our tiny user base doesn't experience the issue on their devices. We have just added so lines to avoid using biometry on simulators:

    private func keychain(biometry: Bool) -> Keychain {
        #if targetEnvironment(simulator)
            Keychain(service: serviceId)
            biometry ?
                Keychain(service: serviceId).accessibility(.whenUnlocked, authenticationPolicy: .userPresence) :
                Keychain(service: serviceId)

I'm sorry I can't add a lot more information right now.

aterreault commented 2 years ago

Is there an update on this? This is affecting our production apps.

RobotK commented 2 years ago

This is how I can reproduce it, using Xcode 13.1.

In the Example-iOS project, modify inputViewController.saveAction as follows:

    @IBAction func saveAction(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
        let keychain: Keychain
        if let service = serviceField.text, !service.isEmpty {
            keychain = Keychain(service: service)
        } else {
            keychain = Keychain()

        let context = LAContext()
        do {
            try keychain.accessibility(.whenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly, authenticationPolicy: .userPresence)
                .set(passwordField.text!, key: usernameField.text!)
        } catch {

        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Run the app in a simulator running iOS 15 and add a new entry.

When you hit save, line 741 of Keychain.swift throws, OSStatus error:[-25293] The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct.

If you use a 14.x simulator (which can be installed from Xcode -> Preferences -> Components), the save action succeeds.

aterreault commented 2 years ago

Is there an ETA for this fix? We are likely going to need to look into another pod but we'd rather continue using this one.

RobotK commented 2 years ago

Are we sure this happens on devices as well as the simulator?

doc1985 commented 2 years ago

I have seen it on "some" devices running iOS 15. It seems kind of random and without any patterns.

apps4everyone commented 2 years ago

the problem could be related to this: if the item already exists it has to be deleted first

//removing item if it exists SecItemDelete(query as CFDictionary)

apps4everyone commented 2 years ago

if you add to the apple example app:

to line 104 in ViewController //removing item if it exists SecItemDelete(query as CFDictionary)

the example work's...