kishor10d / Admin-Panel-User-Management-using-CodeIgniter

Admin Panel User Management Demo - CodeIgniter + AdminLTE Theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
338 stars 241 forks source link

settings for forget password mail #3

Closed d33pak-s1ngh closed 7 years ago

d33pak-s1ngh commented 7 years ago

what are the settings required for functioning of forget password mail ?

kishor10d commented 7 years ago

In application/config/constants.php file, you have to specify your SMTP or server settings. You can configure your Gmail also, by providing Gmail smtp username and password.

/************************** EMAIL CONSTANTS *****************************/
define('EMAIL_FROM',                            'Your from email');     // e.g.
define('EMAIL_BCC',                             'Your bcc email');      // e.g.
define('FROM_NAME',                             'CIAS Admin System');   // Your system name
define('EMAIL_PASS',                            'Your email password'); // Your email password
define('PROTOCOL',                              'smtp');                // mail, sendmail, smtp
define('SMTP_HOST',                             'Your smtp host');      // your smtp host e.g.
define('SMTP_PORT',                             '25');                  // your smtp port e.g. 25, 587
define('SMTP_USER',                             'Your smtp user');      // your smtp user
define('SMTP_PASS',                             'Your smtp password');  // your smtp password
define('MAIL_PATH',                             '/usr/sbin/sendmail');```