kishor10d / Admin-Panel-User-Management-using-CodeIgniter

Admin Panel User Management Demo - CodeIgniter + AdminLTE Theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
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User name not translates to UTF-8 #82

Closed kzolee1 closed 2 years ago

kzolee1 commented 3 years ago

I have checked the config, it is UTF-8, the database is utf8_unicode_ci. When i create a user or modify a user with non-latin charactes (like ó) the database value changes to ??

Especially, when a user name starts with Tó

kishor10d commented 3 years ago

@kzolee1 : Can you please check the collation of your name field? Please check the screenshot. For name field we have utf8_general_ci, what is in your case?


Output: unicode

kzolee1 commented 3 years ago

dbcollation Only at the first name Collation is set to Table default. (Database: 10.4.12-MariaDB, server: PHP 7.4.14 Development Server) If i set the name field collation to utf8_general_ci the problem remains. Tried ut8mb4_general_ci, ut8mb4_unicode_ci, no luck. edit result

kishor10d commented 2 years ago

@kzolee1 : The issue is neither of CodeIgniter nor of the repository. It is the collation issue with your MySQL version. Hence closed.