kislyuk / argcomplete

Python and tab completion, better together.
Apache License 2.0
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installing zsh globally adds paths to completion options introduced in v3.1.4 #458

Closed maurerle closed 7 months ago

maurerle commented 7 months ago

When installing argcomplete >= v3.1.4 globally, the default folder and file options are added (additionally to the useful completions).

(myenv) ➜  MYPROJECT git:(main) ✗ project --loglevel
myproject/        docker_configs/           LICENSES/               
logfile           Dockerfile                poetry.lock                docs/                     __pycache__/            
dist/             export/                                           
CRITICAL  WARNING  ERROR                                                    
NOTSET    FATAL    DEBUG  WARN  INFO  -- logging level used for file log 

Older Version and non-global works fine

pip install argcomplete==v3.1.3` and installing the tab completion, everything works fine.

So the fix here is probably missing something:

evanunderscore commented 7 months ago

Fixed in #463. Thanks for reporting!