kislyuk / argcomplete

Python and tab completion, better together.
Apache License 2.0
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No autocomplete when using sudo #65

Open markeganfuller opened 10 years ago

markeganfuller commented 10 years ago

When using sudo I get no autocompletion despite getting autocompletion for other commands (eg. git). Autocompletion works when running directly as root.

Tested on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS

$ <TAB>
-h                                 --help

$ sudo <TAB>

$ sudo git <TAB>
add                 bundle              credential-cache    format-patch        lg                  notes               request-pull        stash 
am                  checkout            credential-store    fsck                log                 pull                reset               status 
annotate            cherry              describe            gc                  lol                 push                revert              submodule 
apply               cherry-pick         df                  get-tar-commit-id   lola                rebase              rm                  tag 
archive             ci                  diff                grep                ls                  reflog              shortlog            whatchanged 
bisect              clean               difftool            help                merge               relink              show                
blame               clone               fetch               imap-send           mergetool           remote              show-branch         
br                  commit              filter-branch       init                mv                  repack              st                  
branch              config              flow                instaweb            name-rev            replace             stage 

# <TAB>
-h                                 --help

Example Code

#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import argcomplete

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
kislyuk commented 10 years ago

Argcomplete completion works with sudo when registering completion targets individually with register-python-argcomplete (e.g., eval "$(register-python-argcomplete $(pwd)/").

Unfortunately, fixing it with global completion is tricky. In global completion, the function is not relying on bash to recognize the completion target by name like "" or "git", instead it's given a name and must find out on its own whether it's a Python script that should be completed. This relies on complete -D, which works fine in general, but when you type sudo <...><TAB>, bash completion actually invokes _command_offset, which appears to not be compatible with complete -D at all.

kislyuk commented 10 years ago

So basically, if I understand correctly, the only way to make argcomplete global completion work with sudo is to patch _command_offset, which is part of the core bash-completion distribution, to be compatible with complete -D.

The next step then is to open an issue upstream and start a patch against bash-completion.

markeganfuller commented 10 years ago

Cool, thanks for looking into this. I'll leave the issue submission to you as you're better informed of the underlying issues.
