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Encountering a fatal error #394

Open FRobertAllen opened 2 years ago

FRobertAllen commented 2 years ago

I'm not quite sure what to do?

INFO: Registered PHY handler 'UAV' as ID 4 INFO: Registered PHY handler 'NrfMousejack' as ID 5 INFO: Using default rates of 10/min, 1/sec for alert 'BLEEDINGTOOTH' INFO: Registered PHY handler 'BTLE' as ID 6 INFO: Registered PHY handler 'RTLAMR' as ID 7 INFO: Indexing ADSB ICAO db INFO: Completed indexing ADSB ICAO db, 322362 lines 6448 indexes INFO: Registered PHY handler 'RTLADSB' as ID 8 INFO: Registered PHY handler '802.15.4' as ID 9 INFO: Registered PHY handler 'RADIATION' as ID 10 INFO: Could not open system plugin directory (/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ki smet/), skipping: No such file or directory INFO: Did not find a user plugin directory (/root/.kismet//plugins/), skipping: No such file or directory INFO: GPS track will be logged to the Kismet logfile ERROR: Error reading config file '/root/.kismet/kismet_httpd.conf': No such file or directory LOCAL: This is the first time Kismet has been run as this user. You will need to set an administrator username and password before you can use any features of Kismet. Visit http://localhost:2501/ to configure the initial login, or consult the Kismet documentation at about how to set a password manually. ERROR: (HTTPD) Could not read session data file, skipping loading saved sessions. INFO: Serving static file content from /usr/share/kismet/httpd/ INFO: Enabling channel hopping by default on sources which support channel control. INFO: Setting default channel hop rate to 5/sec INFO: Enabling channel list splitting on sources which share the same list of channels INFO: Enabling channel list shuffling to optimize overlaps INFO: Sources will be re-opened if they encounter an error INFO: Saving datasources to the Kismet database log every 30 seconds. INFO: Launching remote capture server on 3501 /devices/views/all/last-time/:timestamp/devices


KISMET HAS ENCOUNTERED A FATAL ERROR AND CANNOT CONTINUE. Shutting down plugins... WARNING: Kismet changes the configuration of network devices. In most cases you will need to restart networking for your interface (varies per distribution/OS, but typically one of: sudo service networking restart sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart or nmcli device set [device] managed true

Kismet exiting.

I'm pretty new with at this by the way.

CyberGarrett commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue, same output, running a fully updated kali VM and using an adapter that works with airmon-ng.

ChuckNorrison commented 2 years ago

Same issue happened to me after cleanup all kismet files from system and reinstalled. Iam also missing the suid-install part after installation of kismet.

Why those files are not created in the installation routine?

iam using following apt sources deb focal main

// I was able to solve the issue with remove the sources and use the ubuntu default package

kismet/focal 2016.07.R1-1.1~build2 amd64

Setting up kismet (2016.07.R1-1.1~build2) ...

Configuration file '/etc/kismet/kismet.conf'
 ==> Deleted (by you or by a script) since installation.
 ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
      D     : show the differences between the versions
      Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
 The default action is to keep your current version.
*** kismet.conf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? Y
Installing new version of config file /etc/kismet/kismet.conf ...

Tried remove and reinstall the current version 2022, but no question for suid install and still missing config files.