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Kismet not recording Bluetooth devices in wiglecsv logs #514

Open Corvus4n6 opened 3 months ago

Corvus4n6 commented 3 months ago

I found this issue first with 2023-07.R1 and also under 9999+git2024-03-27r0e3b7a50-1 running under Debian Bookworm.

Observed Bluetooth devices are not logged to the wiglecsv file and are not exported using kismetdb_to_wiglecsv.

Reviewing the Kismet database file, I can see the devices listed in the tables data and devices, but there is no GPS data associated with these devices despite confirmation that GPS is working correctly. GPS data is logged for Bluetooth devices in the messages table, with the lat and lon, when each new device is detected, also confirming that GPS is enabled and functioning.

I have been sure to have enabled all logging, including allowing logging of BTLE and 'random' devices, but the data does not record to the wiglecsv file. I assume this is an issue with the lack of packet data from BT detections, but I hope the fix will be an easy one.

Thank you for your hard work creating and maintaining this project that gets me out of the house to go on warwalks. :smile:

k-rku commented 3 months ago

Have noticed the same issue. Haven't tried other versions yet though. Running 2023-07-R1 on a Pi4b and Pi3b. The wiglecsv files don't contain any bluetooth devices even though they are clearly discovered in the live view.

ODenssi commented 3 months ago

I'm also experiencing the same issue. Running the latest Debian bookworm release on a Pi4b and I never got it to log bluetooth devices to .wiglecsv file. Not automatically made .wiglecsv file nor via the kismetdb_to_wiglecsv. Discovering of the bluetooth devices works fine and they can be seen through the web gui and in the database as far as I know how to look.

k-rku commented 3 months ago

Today I removed 2023-07-R1 and installed the GIT version. This also doesn't write BTLE info to the wiglecsv.

ODenssi commented 2 months ago

I also tried this with the Debian Bullseye 32bit version. Still not writing bluetooth to wiglecsv.

nopthetop commented 1 month ago

Confirming that I am also experiencing this issue with Kismet 2023-07-R1 on Raspberry pi 4b. I have a sdr433 interface that is also capturing and it is logging location as expected.