kisonecat / tikzjax

TikZJax is TikZ running under WebAssembly in the browser
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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Positioning of nodes seems to have changed #28

Open pieffebi opened 1 month ago

pieffebi commented 1 month ago

hi, it seems to me that a new issue has appeared recently. The way node positioning instructions such as "above=2" work seems to have changed. I'm enclosing an example.

image image

The first image is produced by LaTeX, in a pdf file. The second image is the TikZJax version. The upper label "\ell" is produced by the following code

\draw[|-|,black!40] (-2,1.6) -- node[above=2] {\Large \(\ell\)} (2,1.6);

The effect of the above=2 instruction used to be the same in the two versions. The label was raised a little bit with respect to the default position. Now the label in TikZjax is raised by a greatly larger amount. I tried the same instruction in the online demo, but it seems to work fine there. I'm not sure what is happening. Any help is appreciated. Francesco