kisonecat / tikzjax

TikZJax is TikZ running under WebAssembly in the browser
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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Loading Indication #4

Open nixpulvis opened 4 years ago

nixpulvis commented 4 years ago

Generating visuals client side is awesome, but can be rather slow. Ideally there'd be some kind of indication that the contents of a \begin{tikzpicture} is being rendered.

For example, I've copied the code for a somewhat large complete graph provided here. Note that the code in the example proper doesn't work with this library yet (something about mycount), but the simplified example in the comments does.

kisonecat commented 4 years ago

Yes there really should be a loading indicator ... some sort of spinning placeholder so the user knows to expect a figure.

(There's certainly a lot of room for improving this. I'll be working on some of the tex-in-a-browser stuff over winter break.)

StevenClontz commented 4 years ago

I just thought to make this request in anticipation for using this library in PreTeXt, so +1