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[Tracker] Outdated Packages #197

Open dilyn-corner opened 3 years ago

dilyn-corner commented 3 years ago

Packages left outdated for "sufficiently long" will be mercilessly evicted. Packages with * will be dropped at the end of the month unless adopted. Packages which require dropped packages will also be dropped. Adopt your dependencies folx!

Packages out-of-date for a "good reason" are fine, but should be mentioned (in this tracker).



Daniel M. Matongo

Xiaodong Xu

David Garland

Nihal Jere

Aaron G



Arthur Williams

Kyryl Melekhin

Cats that hovers




tslil clingman


Camille Scholtz


Muhammad Herdiansyah


Azriel Akbar Ferry A

Dylan Araps

Jason Eslick

Daniel M. Matongo

Dilyn Corner

Michael Czigler

Owen Rafferty


Arthur Williams

Dilyn Corner

Ali Burak

Will Eccles

TAAPArthur commented 3 years ago

I had intended to inquire as to why the change to openssl was being made... Re-read the new posts and looked at the referenced posts and seems like it is largely due to python dropping support for it. And I guess it's too much to just have both...

So thanks. I understand the rationale. I don't agree with it and wish to stop maintaining openconnect

lowercasename commented 3 years ago

I will stop maintaining berry for the time being.

git-bruh commented 2 years ago

I don't use 'fmt' or 'iputils', so they can be adopted by others. Will update the rest in a few hours.

AndreiSva commented 2 years ago

fmt is a very widely used library. I'll adopt it.

jslick commented 2 years ago

please refrain from posting my email address here, thanks

AndreiSva commented 2 years ago

@jslick Your email address is already public in your commits

jslick commented 2 years ago

@AndreiSva , I am well aware they appear in commits. However, notice that github does not typically (if ever) show them in the UI.

git-bruh commented 2 years ago

I am orphaning bind and fuse. eudev should be dropped since its a big inconvinience to switch between libudev-zero and eudev.

Jackojc commented 2 years ago

I'll try to get an update out for the kakoune package within the next week or so.

abbbi commented 2 years ago


  • [ ] pv 1.6.6 -> 1.6.19 (5 days)

feel free to adopt, ive not used kiss since a few months and probably wont

Vouivre commented 2 years ago

@dilyn-corner I have no idea what is ladspa.

$ kiss-maintainer ladspa                                                             
=> /home/macquat/repos/community/community/ladspa

I don't know who is Camille.

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

Typo on my part; Camille is onodera-punpun I believe, who has been MIA for a minute.

Xeno-Hypster commented 2 years ago

I'm going to orphan gnu ed, I don't really use it and prefer using oed when I do jump to ed.

Lazar-Kovacevic commented 2 years ago

About renaming xmlsec1 to xmlsec, i belive it is best not to. Other distros as well as the developer refer to the package as xmlsec1.

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

@Lazar-Kovacevic If this is the case, then we can simply keep it as is. These rename pings are mostly with respect to lines like

Everyone else -- big updates on this list. Hack and slash, turn and burn, show no mercy. Steal those packages, get involved :)

noocsharp commented 2 years ago

Dropping the gnupg2 stack:

As well as wget

git-bruh commented 2 years ago

Dropping badwolf, fuse, glib-networking, libsoup, webkit2gtk, harfbuzz-icu, gst-plugins, gst-plugins-base, gstreamer, lariza, wyeb, wyebadblock

konimex commented 2 years ago

Dropping libexif and unifont.

Vouivre commented 2 years ago

@dilyn-corner Why is pvneeded for ytfzf ? I'm able to install it without pv and to watch some videos. Is a feature missing ?

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

Sorry, no this was a mistake on my part -- the correct requirement is mpv for these packages. I've fixed the list.

Vouivre commented 2 years ago

Ok, so nothing to be changed in ytfzf. But I'm almost sure it was intentional ;-).

By checking I noticed that I was not able to compile mpv. The reason: libxcommon was missing. Normally, it's installed because a user will install swayand in this case libxcommonis installed (dependency of sway). I have in mind it's possible to use mpvin framebuffer, so without swayinstalled. If it's right, what about adding libxcommon as a depedency of mpv ?

At the end it's the decision of Dylan, but what the community think about it ?

Riteo commented 2 years ago

Since I use them I'm interested in kakoune and fuse. I have no idea how to start though, do I just make a PR? Also, did cryptsetup and lvm2 get dropped? I'd be interested in maintaining them too.

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago


If mpv requires libxkbcommon and there's a chance of building it in which libxkbcommon isn't guaranteed to be on the system, then you should open an issue at $/kisslinux/repo to get it fixed. In this case, I'd say yeah this is a valid issue to bring up to @dylanaraps.


I have no idea how to start though, do I just make a PR?

If the packages are in the list of things at the bottom of the original post, you are free to submit a PR; if an item is just out of date and not in the list and you want to maintain it, first ask the current maintainer. Since both fuse and kakoune have been officially dropped by their maintainers, you can submit a PR to adopt them (simply add an extra white space to the end of the line in the version file for each package you'd like to adopt and commit that for your PR. This is sufficient to adopt a package -- if it has an update available, instead update it with the message foo: bump to bar, adopt).

Also, did cryptsetup and lvm2 get dropped?

Yes they did; you can recover them by:

git checkout 0946a5c community/lvm2
git checkout 0946a5c community/crypsetup
dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago


acheam0 commented 2 years ago

Please drop my packages as they fall out of date (if there are any besides scdoc)

December 30, 2021 1:26 AM, "Dilyn Corner" @. @*.**@*.**>)> wrote: Packages listed here at are > 30 days out of date are adoptable :) Packages left outdate for "sufficiently long" will be mercilessly evicted. Packages with will be dropped at the end of the month unless adopted. Packages which require dropped packages will also be dropped. Adopt your dependencies folx!

Packages out-of-date for a "good reason" are fine, but should be mentioned (ideally in this tracker).

@aaronNGi (
*  socat ->
@ArmaanB (
*  scdoc 1.11.1 -> 1.11.2
@davidgarland (
*  extra-cmake-modules 5.87.0 -> 5.89.0
@dilyn-corner (
*  boost 1.77.0 -> 1.78.0
*  caddy 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6
*  go 1.17.2 -> 1.17.5
*  nano 5.9 -> 6.0
*  neovim 0.5.1 -> 0.6.0
@ectlunya (
*  mblaze 1.1 -> 1.2
@FriendlyNeighborhoodShane (
*  nnn 4.3 -> 4.4
@git-bruh (
*  axel 2.17.10 -> 2.17.11
*  bind 9.17.13 -> 9.17.21
*  btrfs-progs 5.14.2 -> 5.15.1
*  gawk 5.1.0 -> 5.1.1
*  github-cli 2.1.0 -> 2.4.0
*  imagemagick 7.1.0-10 -> 7.1.0-19
*  libcap 2.59 -> 2.62
*  libgpg-error 1.42 -> 1.43
*  pipewire 0.3.40 -> 0.3.42
*  postgresql 13.4 -> 15.0
*  rbw-bin 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
*  ruby 3.0.2 -> 3.1.0
*  shellcheck-bin 0.7.2 -> 0.8.0
*  webkit2gtk 2.32.3 -> 2.35.1
@jedavies-dev (
*  bash 5.1.p8 -> 5.1.p12
*  iproute2 5.14.0 -> 5.15.0
*  libsixel 1.8.6 -> 1.10.3
*  sfeed 1.0 -> 1.1
@jslick (
*  bottom 0.6.4 -> 0.6.6
*  ncdu 1.16 -> 2.0
@kiedtl (
*  fd 8.2.1 -> 8.3.0
*  hyperfine 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
@konimex (
*  iana-etc 20200910 -> 20211215
@kyx0r (
*  radare2 5.4.2 -> 5.5.4
@mar-foo (
*  glib-networking 2.70.0 -> 2.70.1
*  harfbuzz-icu 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0
*  libsoup 3.0.1 -> 3.0.3
@Mederim (
*  dcnnt 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0
*  spotifyd 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
@mmatongo (
*  asciinema 2.0.2 -> 2.1.0
@onodera-punpun (
*  libmpdclient 2.19 -> 2.20
*  slop 7.5 -> 7.6
@Rio6 (
*  cowsay 3.04 -> 3.7.0
*  execline ->
*  s6-linux-init ->
*  s6-rc ->
*  s6 ->
*  sdl2 2.0.16 -> 2.0.18
*  skalibs ->
*  vcsh 2.0.2 -> 2.0.4
Timothy Robert Bednarzyk Ghost. Abandoned.
*  gc 8.0.4 -> 8.2.0
@Vouivre (
*  fzf 0.28.0 -> 0.29.0
@xuxiaodong (
*  cloc 1.90 -> 1.92
*  onefetch 2.10.2 -> 2.11.0
*  procs 0.11.10 -> 0.11.13
*  viu 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
@Zola (
*  exfatprogs 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
*  iw 5.9 -> 5.16
*  ldns 1.7.1 -> 1.8.1
*  libglvnd 1.3.4 -> 1.4.0
*  patchelf 0.13 -> 0.14.3
*  tor ->
*  unbound 1.13.2 -> 1.14.0
*  unrar 6.0.7 -> 6.1.3
*  xmlsec1 1.2.32 -> 1.2.33

If anybody feels like maintaining more things, you are more than welcome to adopt the following packages. Otherwise, I'll keep 'em around :v

Very adoptable

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

Please drop my packages as they fall out of date (if there are any besides scdoc)

Can do!

jslick commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, ncdu 2.0 requires zig, according to the website.

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

Of course it would.

I want a better solution for getting zig in this repo. I'll have a think.

For now, we can just keep it as is; thanks for letting me know.

tslilc commented 2 years ago

I hope this is the correct place, but lld is out of date. @ominitay is the listed maintainer, but has no email address (afaict). The fix should be pretty straightforward:

ominitay commented 2 years ago

You can orphan my packages, I haven't used kiss in ages, so can't really maintain things anymore.

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

@tslilc you're more than welcome to adopt lld if you'd like!

version 12.0.1 2 --> 13.0.0 2

Note that after version bumps, the epoch should drop back to 1.

ominitay commented 2 years ago

You won't be able get Zig in the repo without changing the LLVM package, but I don't think you intended to do that.

tslilc commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the swift responses all!

@dilyn-corner sure, i'd be happy to adopt this for now! I've never done this before, but it should be fun. Thanks for catching the version bump typo.

@ominitay actually Zig was my intention :p AFAICT, extra/llvm is versioned correctly for zig-0.9.0 and it seems to be building just fine...?

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

Last we knew, llvm must be built with all targets enabled; the one in extra/llvm only builds two:

But if it no longer has that requirement... Life is easier...

ominitay commented 2 years ago

It still has that requirement, and will always will have that requirement. I don't know how you managed to get it to build correctly, could you send your build arguments?

tslilc commented 2 years ago

@dilyn-corner @ominitay : i did not manage to build it correctly, or at least, i did not manage to link it correctly. Sorry, my build is just so slow that i could only now see that linking failed. LLVM does indeed need the other targets.

ominitay commented 2 years ago

Yeah this happened in version 0.8.0 iirc, before then dynamically linking would get it to work.

ominitay commented 2 years ago

This discussion may be of interest.

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

@jslick e7835117e52282c3c4ce6772dd200143b0a37271 :D

Vouivre commented 2 years ago

@dilyn-corner You forgot ytfzf. There is a new version. Typo ? Problem in your script ?

I would like to wait for the next version, otherwise I have to patch it. There was some changes in the Makefile, see for example:

I think a new version should be released soon:

By the way I have other packages which are not up to date. For example gphoto2.

ominitay commented 2 years ago

@jslick e783511 :D

You are building LLVM in that!!!

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

@dilyn-corner You forgot ytfzf. There is a new version. Typo ? Problem in your script ?

This isn't scripted yet; the list is only updated semi-regularly (every two-four weeks or so), so it's a bit old.

I would like to wait for the next version, otherwise I have to patch it. There was some changes in the Makefile, see for example: pystardust/ytfzf#441

That's fine. If you wanna learn a bit about Make ;)

@jslick e783511 :D

You are building LLVM in that!!!

Where there's a will, there's a man willing to spend ten hours compiling their compiler.

Vouivre commented 2 years ago

That's fine. If you wanna learn a bit about Make ;)

Thank you ;-)

ominitay commented 2 years ago

Where there's a will, there's a man willing to spend ten hours compiling their compiler.

Building LLVM twice is not a great idea -- it's not very 'KISS', is it?

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

GCC also builds itself multiple times if you specify it; it's not out of the ordinary for a compiler to have these sorts of requirements.

It's a fine enough build compromise for people who want zig. 

Jan 15, 2022, 3:03 PM by @.***:

Where there's a will, there's a man willing to spend ten hours compiling their compiler.

Building LLVM twice is not a great idea -- it's not very 'KISS', is it?

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ominitay commented 2 years ago

Perhaps that's fine for the moment, but will it continue to remain so as more commonly-used packages come to depend on Zig (either as a C/C++ (cross-)compiler, build system, or Zig compiler), such as ncdu, or river?

dilyn-corner commented 2 years ago

I mean, what's the alternative?

Jan 15, 2022, 4:54 PM by @.***:

Perhaps that's fine for the moment, but will it continue to remain so as more commonly-used packages come to depend on Zig (either as a C/C++ (cross-)compiler, build system, or Zig compiler), such as > ncdu> , or > river> ?

— Reply to this email directly, > view it on GitHub> , or > unsubscribe> . Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for > iOS> or > Android> . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.> Message ID: > <kiss-community/community/issues/197/1013759993> @> github> .> com>

ominitay commented 2 years ago

The alternative is either to have the LLVM package provide default targets, as on most distros, fork Zig and strip out cross-platform support (bad idea), or wait until Zig goes self-hosted, and then only support building Zig with Zig.

ominitay commented 2 years ago

Though I don't think any of those solutions are really satisfactory.

jslick commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, ncdu2 segfaults when I try to run it, without any backtrace information so I don't know how to diagnose it. If anyone can get it to work, feel free to adopt the package or let me know how I can fix it.