at the cost of removing support for su. Our su usage is already not portable. For example, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD has absolutely different meanings for '-c' option. ubase has no such option at all. illumos, coreutils, busybox, toybox support this option though. Anyway, it's obvious that su diverged way too much which makes it impossible to support. I propose to remove it from kiss and fix truncation issues as well.
at the cost of removing support for su. Our su usage is already not portable. For example, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD has absolutely different meanings for '-c' option. ubase has no such option at all. illumos, coreutils, busybox, toybox support this option though. Anyway, it's obvious that su diverged way too much which makes it impossible to support. I propose to remove it from kiss and fix truncation issues as well.
Reference: Depends on (for ssu support):