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Clarifications in (migrations) #10

Closed arca0 closed 2 years ago

arca0 commented 2 years ago

The helper functions from migratus.core were specified without (:db.sql/migrations state/system) so they couldn't be copied and pasted directly to REPL to execute without problems. I assumed that since the last function: (migratus.core/create-migration "add-guestbook-table") provided the parameter, we would prefer these function calls to be complete.

If not, we can simply mention (:db.sql/migrations state/system) just under the list for clarity.

Also, reset-db seems to be just reset now, if I didn't miss anything. Also removed a dead link at the very end.

arca0 commented 2 years ago

My bad, didn't realize I included commits from the other PR here as well.