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how to run this hugsql snip #108

Closed vinurs closed 11 months ago

vinurs commented 11 months ago


-- :snip select-snip
select :i*:cols

-- :snip from-snip
from :i*:tables

-- :snip where-snip
where :snip*:cond

-- :snip cond-snip
-- We could come up with something
-- quite elaborate here with some custom
-- parameter types that convert := to =, etc.,
-- Examples:
-- {:conj "and" :cond ["id" "=" 1]}
-- OR
-- {:conj "or" :cond ["id" "=" 1]}
-- note that :conj can be "", too
:sql:conj :i:cond.0 :sql:cond.1 :v:cond.2

-- :name snip-query :? :*
--~ (when (:where params) ":snip:where")

then run the snip-query

  {:select (select-snip {:cols ["id","name"]})
   :from (from-snip {:tables ["test"]})
   :where (where-snip {:cond [(cond-snip {:conj "" :cond ["id" "=" 1]})
                              (cond-snip {:conj "or" :cond ["id" "=" 2]})]})})

but in this framework, how should i do to run snip-query?

(query-fn :snip-query {})

but the select-snip from-snip how to

yogthos commented 11 months ago

So, what happens with the query-fn is that it uses bind-connection-map from conman to initialize the queries and snippets, you can see this here

and the helper functions come from conman here

vinurs commented 11 months ago

thanks for ur help in system.edn i defined a snip-fn

 {:conn #ig/ref :db.sql/connection
  :options {}
  :filenames ["sql/pg/snippets.sql"]}


(defmethod ig/init-key :db.sql/snip-fn
  [_ {:keys [conn options filename filenames]
      :or   {options {}}}]
  (let [filenames (or filenames [filename])
        snips (apply conman/bind-connection-map conn options filenames)]
    (fn [snip params]
      (conman/snip snips snip params))))

so now can call it as following

(query-fn :snip-query
            {:select (snip-fn :select-snip {:cols ["id","nickname"]})
             :from (snip-fn :from-snip {:tables ["user_profile"]})
             :where (snip-fn :where-snip
                             {:cond [(snip-fn :cond-snip {:conj "" :cond ["id" "=" 10001]})
                                     (snip-fn :cond-snip {:conj "or" :cond ["id" "=" 10002]})]})})