kit-clj / kit

Lightweight, modular framework for scalable web development in Clojure
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clj-new alias could cause confusion #116

Closed seancorfield closed 9 months ago

seancorfield commented 9 months ago

The clj-new documentation suggests installing it as clj-new.

The deps-new documentation suggests installing it as new.

I would appreciate you updating your readme/docs to use clj-new as the alias for clj-new so it doesn't cause problems or confusion for people using either of those tools separately since their usage won't match what you have in your README.

You might also want to consider suggesting clojure -Ttools install-latest :lib io.github.seancorfield/clj-new :as clj-new so they don't have to worry about versions.

yogthos commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the heads up, just updated the docs with the suggestions. As a side note, all the docs live here, and PRs are definitely welcome if you see anything you'd like changed

seancorfield commented 9 months ago

Thanks! I'll have a check through later today -- I was updating ecosystem page about Web Development so I added Kit there (Luminus was already there) and that's when I noticed it.

seancorfield commented 9 months ago

I didn't see any further references in the source of the docs, just the README. Thanks.

I did notice a clj-new/deps-new parity test where it uses -T:new in the test code -- does anything around that need checking or changing? Can Kit be used with deps-new, or is that some "future" version and this is testing for that?

yogthos commented 9 months ago

I think that part is fine since it's just used locally for testing when working on the template, and doesn't affect the users. And Kit should work with deps-new currently. @rads added support in this PR

seancorfield commented 9 months ago

Oh nice! Thanks. I sure would love to see all the docs change over to deps-new and use :as new / -Tnew at some point 😄 LMK if there's anything I can do to help make that happen.

yogthos commented 9 months ago

Oh yeah I'm definitely open to updating the docs to make deps-new the default. If you have a few min to try it locally to make sure the project generates as expected, just want to make sure it works outside my local setup before updating. :)