kit-clj / kit

Lightweight, modular framework for scalable web development in Clojure
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Add connection object as metadata to query-fn #136

Closed gerdint closed 3 months ago

gerdint commented 3 months ago

Since we already added some metadata to the query-fn I have found it useful to also have the db connection there as well, in particular when working with transactions (such as when using next.jdbc/with-transaction).

Prior to this change I need to pass the connection component ref to each component that uses transactions in addition to the (already somewhat onerous) query-fn ref. Passing one db-related object should be enough I think, and that the connection fits quite well in the query-fn metadata.

If you think this looks good I can also add some docs mentioning this and how to access it.

yogthos commented 3 months ago

Yeah that looks handy, let's add some docs and can merge it in. :)

gerdint commented 3 months ago

I noticed this change is particularly handy since if I try to import the system atom from my app core ns I tend to get circular import errors since the core app ns imports all the components. Is there any way around this If I want to access the system atom?

yogthos commented 3 months ago

I tend to reference the system in the user namespace in dev so I can inspect it or use it to play with stuff via the REPL. For example, I like add helpers like the following

(defn api-ctx []
  {:query-fn (:db.sql/query-fn state/system)
   :http-client (:http/hato state/system)})

Then I can call the handler with (user/api-ctx) and it works same as getting called from an HTTP route.

In terms of app code structure though, the system should be the entry point since Integrant is basically a DI framework. If you need to reach into the system from the scope of a component that probably means you should just be passing the components it needs explicitly via a reference in the system.

gerdint commented 3 months ago

@yogthos OK so that was my conclusion and the point of this PR. The current transaction example in docs does reference the system atom explicitly so not practical for a real app then.

yogthos commented 3 months ago

Yeah, for this sort of use case metadata is not the "proper" way to do it since metadata shouldn't really be used bypass Integrant. I think we should just update the docs to explain the connection should be passed in for transactions.

gerdint commented 3 months ago

@yogthos I agree with you in principle. I think part of my problem is that I have structured my application more like a N-Layered Architecture with entities interacting directly with the database, and not a more "Clean" style with DB I/O is performed at the edge and data pulled out at the same level as the the routing handlers. I don't know if this is by old habits or because it's a moderately data-heavy GIS application and so much of the "business logic" is actually codified as PostGIS queries for efficiency reasons, and so in a Clean architecture this becomes an awkward fit perhaps? I will try to think about how I can restructure my app so as not do have to pass around the query-fn and db connection everywhere.

A more sizeable "real-world" Kit/Clj example would be beneficial I think. The guestbook and musicbrainz examples are just toy-size. Any plan to update your "Web Development with Clojure" book to make use of Kit? I have 2nd and 3rd edition of it and have found them very useful, and it does sport a somewhat more extensive application I think.

yogthos commented 3 months ago

I find clean approach is a good default, but in a lot of cases it can become awkward. I find that it's a good approach at small scale, but larger apps end up needing to load data progressively because you either don't know what's all that you need up front, or it's not efficient to fetch all the data eagerly.

I settled on reasoning about large apps from the perspective of state machines. There is a high level flow for each workflow in the application, and this flow consists of a number of states that the workflow can end up in. Handling each state can be done in a pure way where you do all the IO at the edges, do some computation, and then produce a new state. The output can then be expected and the next handler can be dispatched based on the state of the data.

This is a really good blog post on the subject

I wrote a bit about how you can use multimethods to manage high level flow here

I also gave a talk where I fleshed out this a idea a bit more

I mention this library I wrote in the talk, and it's based on how I structured a larger app which ended up working out pretty well for me

The library expresses the state machine as a graph, and then each node in the graph can be treated as a tiny clean architecture style app, with the graph managing how the data flows between them.