kit-data-manager / EVOKS

EVOKS (Editor for Vocabularies to Know Semantics)
Apache License 2.0
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Incompatibility with recent Postgres version 14 on Apple M1 Macbook #55

Open FelixFrizzy opened 1 month ago

FelixFrizzy commented 1 month ago

For some reason, it worked on my intel iMac, but not on GA Apple M1. Using image: postgres:13.8-bullseye worked, but required the deletion of the database/volume created with Postgres 14 (not an issue in our case).

The actual issue is that some dependency must be updated, but we could not figure out which, so we went back to an older Postgres version instead. We need a strategy: either make the Postgres/Fuseki/etc versions fixed or make sure we update dependencies when required. In this case, it probably is Django itself or so.