kitUIN / PicImageSearch

整合图片识别 API,用于以图搜源 / Aggregator for Reverse Image Search API
MIT License
385 stars 46 forks source link

rework readme #91

Closed Peloxerat closed 6 months ago

Peloxerat commented 7 months ago

Once upon a time I found your library when it first started, back then there was only Chinese translate, and because of this it was quite difficult to figure out what was responsible for what

I made three translations of the readme file and demo files. I don't know Chinese so double check

NekoAria commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your contributions.

If it's convenient for you, could you please fork this repository, commit your changes to the README and demo files, and then create a pull request? This process will facilitate an easier review and any necessary modifications.

We appreciate your efforts in making these translations and look forward to your pull request.