kitakkun / back-in-time-plugin

Kotlin Compiler Plugin to make your program back-in-time debuggable.
Apache License 2.0
32 stars 1 forks source link

Support Kotlin Multiplatform #3

Open kitakkun opened 4 months ago

kitakkun commented 4 months ago

I wonder if this plugin is applicable to KMP or not, but I think it's worth doing enough.


Current implementation only works on Android project. back-in-time plugin completely depends on Flipper Plugin. Is it possible exchanging messages between iOS native Flipper Plugin and BackInTimeDebugService(which is responsible for receiving events from debuggable instances)?

kitakkun commented 4 months ago

I think it is much easier to implement manually WebSocket-based communication between debug target app and debugger app. I feel Ktor will do this thing well.

After confirming WebSocket communication works well on different platforms, I will move on developing pure Kotlin debugger application.