kitasuke / PagingMenuController

Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift
MIT License
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Navigation after switched to right tab moves to the right side. #371

Open kunass2 opened 6 years ago

kunass2 commented 6 years ago

This is what i do in the app:

private struct PagingMenuControllerOptions: PagingMenuControllerCustomizable {
    var lazyLoadingPage: LazyLoadingPage {
        return .all
    var backgroundColor: UIColor {
        return .clear
    var componentType: ComponentType

private struct MenuItem: MenuItemViewCustomizable {
    private var title = "..."
    var horizontalMargin: CGFloat {
        return 15
    var displayMode: MenuItemDisplayMode {
        return .text(title: MenuItemText(text: title,
                                         color: .lightGrey,
                                         selectedColor: .white,
                                         font: .contentTextLarge,
                                         selectedFont: .contentTextLarge))
    init(title: String) {
        self.title = title

private struct MenuOptions: MenuViewCustomizable {
    var backgroundColor: UIColor {
        return .clear
    var selectedBackgroundColor: UIColor {
        return .clear
    var height: CGFloat {
        return 27
    var displayMode: MenuDisplayMode {
        return .standard(widthMode: .flexible, centerItem: false, scrollingMode: .scrollEnabledAndBouces)
    var focusMode: MenuFocusMode {
        return .underline(height: 3, color: .white, horizontalPadding: 15, verticalPadding: 0)
    var itemsOptions: [MenuItemViewCustomizable]

and this is how I implement it:

func setupPageMenu(with controllers: [UIViewController]) {
    let menuItems = { MenuItem(title: $0.title ?? "...") }
    let menuOptions = MenuOptions(itemsOptions: menuItems)
    let options = PagingMenuControllerOptions(componentType: .all(menuOptions: menuOptions, pagingControllers: controllers))
    pageMenu = PagingMenuController(options: options)
    pageMenu.view.snp.makeConstraints { make in

What is wrong. Why it moves to the right side?

robertlechowicz commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have similar problem, is there any way to change this behaviour?

t commented 6 years ago

I already made a fix and it was merged to master.

Unfortunately, it seems new version has not been released yet after it was merged. However, you can use master branch anyway.

If you use cocoapods, below should works.

pod 'PagingMenuController',:git => ''
kunass2 commented 6 years ago

Why dont you release it to cocoapods? you need to change the tag to 2.3 and run pod trunk push