kitconcept / volto-light-theme
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[docs] improve onboarding of frontenders who want to use Volto Light Theme #335

Open fredvd opened 4 months ago

fredvd commented 4 months ago

Intro, Scope

As Volto light theme is distilled from multiple projects at kitconcept that were designed implemented and improved in the last 2-3 years, there is quite a bit of 'assumed' or expected behavior in the theme by design but also constructs in the source that is not obvious to frontenders without previous volto theming knowledge.

Second: for frontenders with Volto experience they have to pay close attention to the changes compared to the and docs. We use a relative new features of add'ons as theme, we use scss instead of less, we phase out semantic UI components and we try to avoid component shadowing by importing components directly and/or registering them on the config.js object in the componet registry or other relevant config. At least that is my impression

Third: the tooling has advanced, both on core volto with the improved cookiecutter-plone-starter, this theming add'ons feature and it is not trivial to start using volto light theme and wondering if you are doing it 'right'.

I've been trying for the last 4-6 months to use a bit of volto light theme and beginning of this year I'm assisting two frontenders without previous Volto knowledge for a new Plone 6 project to use volto light theme. So I'd like to document my and our misundesrstandings or 'gaps' in knowledge that we find along the way.

It is essential for me to document these as soon as they surface, otherwise "the "curse of knowledge" kicks in and I and my colleagues on this project will not understand anymore and forget why we didn't understand things. :-P

Use of narrow, default and layout width

I must have read this paragraph in the main VLT readme at least 3 times.

Since FZJ/DLR projects we've been trying a new concept in layout for Volto. This new layout uses three widths for the content elements:

* Narrow (text)
* Default (blocks)
* Layout (main screen elements like Header, Footer)

But whenever I found narrow, layout and default in the source code and in for example the mixins I was totally confused by these. I was associating the narrow and default and layout words with 'technical' things or required mixins in the theme, like the viewport and the side bar or menu bar small and wide expansion settings. Or maybe it is for responsiveness. But it's just 3 different widths INSIDE the main content area for categories of blocks that have 3 different default widths. They're all three defaults.

Just like pressing enter to create a new empty block that you can convert into any other block type, it is so obvious once you know, that I already don't understand anymore after 30 minutes why I didn't pick this up. But analysing my thoughts, imho narrow, default and layout is very rather bad naming.

And how your personal taste changes your perception: in most projects I would set narrow and Default to the same width, as for my personal taste the 'narrow' text blocks are totally ugly :-P But seeing it again on latest 3.0 alpha releases in I realised: "they" must be doing this on purpose!

Adding Volto light theme to a freshly scaffolded Volto 6 project with cookiecutter-plone-starter

Most developers will start with the cookiecutter template and then try to install volto light theme. I did that here for training/demo purposes:

How do I fix /apply the narrow, layout and default width to customised/added components?


... to be expanded.

fredvd commented 4 months ago

@sneridagh @danalvrz @iFlameing @tisto I've written down some questions and misunderstandings I've experienced so far while trying to understand and use Volto Light Theme (VLT).

These are not just VLT 'only' issues, most of them are in relation to core Volto and core Volto documentation and the cookiecutter-templates that we have available at the moment.

Looking from the view point of a frontend developer that wants to start a project but has heard that Volto Light Theme provides a much nicer and 'complete' basis than core Volto, the things I stumbled over can be indicative for others.

If we want to improve adoption of VLT, this is where we can likely improve our documentation, but maybe also collect feedback from others that tried to use VLT for the first time.

fredvd commented 4 months ago

I can totally understand when you frown about this issue because you have been explaining many of these topics to the community already. Now that I understand what I did't understand I suddenly start to see the same answers and explanations everywhere :blush:

I'm collecting interesting video's for my colleagues, and I found back the Volto light theme talk from PloneConf 2023 that explains at least half of the 'insights' I'm describing and questions I have. But I'm not a video person and go for text/documentation first. Also getting ill just after the PloneConf for some weeks didn't help.

Why isn't this video linked yet to the top of the README? I'll create a PR.