kiteflo / iBeaconAndroidDemo

A simple demo chalking out iBeacon handling based on Android programming...
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Open ainalidrus opened 9 years ago

ainalidrus commented 9 years ago

Log.i(LOG_TAG,"UUID: " +uuid + "\nmajor: " +major +"\nminor" +minor);

What does "LOG_CAT" means? i try to experiment with this sample but i get error "cannot resolve symbol "LOG_TAG".

aarushi24 commented 9 years ago

startLeScan() is now deprecated. What is the alternative?

aarushi24 commented 9 years ago

@ainalidrus Add - private static final String LOG_TAG = "MainActivity" ; It just gives the tag that you'll see while looking though the log

timlam9 commented 8 years ago

i wrote this code exactly and it doesn't see my beacons ( I can't understand why...