kitodo / kitodo-production

Kitodo.Production is a workflow management tool for mass digitization and is part of the Kitodo Digital Library Suite.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Deleting process directory through script call #3258

Open henning-gerhardt opened 4 years ago

henning-gerhardt commented 4 years ago

Current creating of process directory and its sub directories are done by a script call (except for current open bug #3196). This script can do a lot of things which is sometimes needed in more complex environments. Even through different workflows and things which are made in different tasks it is even possible to add and change the content of a process directories. Not in any case is this done by the user of running tomcat instance.

As deleting of a process is only done by program and Java coded logic not all content of a process directory could be deleted because the tomcat user did not have the right permissions to delete everything.

It would be nice if deleting of process directory and its content would be done even by a script call where you have more possibilities to delete everything according to the used environment.

matthias-ronge commented 1 year ago

See also #3448: The script should also delete the symbolic links in the user folders then.

henning-gerhardt commented 1 year ago

In an external (bash-)script you can do what ever you want. I started a possible implementation a while ago: ... but I did not test it except on my local environment.