kitodo / kitodo-production

Kitodo.Production is a workflow management tool for mass digitization and is part of the Kitodo Digital Library Suite.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Counting drop-down in pagination is a layout alien #4435

Open matthias-ronge opened 3 years ago

matthias-ronge commented 3 years ago

All the drop-down controls in Production look like this:

Standard drop-down

Only the selection for "counting" looks totally different:

Counting drop-down

Goal: "Counting" should have the same visual appearance as all other drop-down controls

solth commented 3 years ago

The dropdown menu should contain the old pictures representing each individual counting style. I think that's the reason for the differend layout. Somehow those images seem to be missing from your system.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-07 um 12 42 42
henning-gerhardt commented 3 years ago

I can confirm this missing pictures. Tried it with Firefox and Chromium and with direct access (Tomcat) and with a application proxy (Apache + Tomcat) and in any combination the images was missing. Should I open a new issue for this missing images?

solth commented 3 years ago

Tbh. I don't think they are missing: etc. They are all in the source of the master branch.

Maybe it has something to do with the static path used to load those images: This doesn't seem to take into account any potential path customization in Kitodo.