kitodo / kitodo-production

Kitodo.Production is a workflow management tool for mass digitization and is part of the Kitodo Digital Library Suite.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Promote export without images more #5021

Open matthias-ronge opened 2 years ago

matthias-ronge commented 2 years ago

Production can also export processes without images. This makes sense if the export has already taken place and only metadata has been changed. However, this possibility is very hidden in the Kitodo scripts.

Recent versions of Production note in the database, whether a process has already been exported. This would allow us, when clicking on “export” in the process list, to ask, whether to export with images or without.

Goal: For processes that have already been exported, for the “export” action on the process list, ask whether images should be exported or not.

henning-gerhardt commented 2 years ago

Asking for exporting with images should only be done if images are still available. If the images already in an archive or somewhere else and not available in Kitodo.Production this question should not be asked.