kitschpatrol / BrainGrapher

Processing-based visualizer for NeuroSky EEG brainwave data output from the Arduino Brain library.
MIT License
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Cannot find a class or type named "channels" #2

Closed mashcode closed 10 years ago

mashcode commented 10 years ago

Hi, I resowed my arduino/mindflex garden and now running BrainGrapher fails in processing 2.0.3 with Cannot find a class or type named "channels". The arduino/mindflex are def providing high in fibre serial output. Seems to be a broken path or wrong file? Does controlP5.jar also require updating in the processing library hierarchy?


kitschpatrol commented 10 years ago

Hi @mashcode, "Channels" is a class in the BrainGrapher project, not controlP5. Also, jar files in a project's /code folder will override anything in ~/Processing/Libraries, so that shouldn't be the issue.

Do you see the "Channels" file tab in the PDE?

I just tested the project again, and it's working fine on my end via these steps:

  1. Download latest release.
  2. Expand
  3. From expanded folder, open BrainGrapher.pde in Processing. (I'm using 2.1.1.)
  4. Run... (you might need to change Serial.list()[5] if you get an out-of-bounds error.)


mashcode commented 10 years ago

Thanks I'll try Processing 2.1.1

Putting the pieces together using 2.0.3 and running dies at line 16 Channel[] channels = new Channel[11];

Thanks for quick response! On my way to a nodebots event so I'll corner someone hopefully :/

mashcode commented 10 years ago

Got it working. All files have to be present in a tab within Processing. DOH

mashcode commented 10 years ago


kitschpatrol commented 10 years ago

Cool glad you worked it out.

I figured out why people are having this issue... if you get the example with the "Download ZIP" link on GitHub (instead of using the release), then it winds up in a folder called BrainGrapher-master. Processing is only smart enough to recognize a folder as a "project" (with extra .pde files to load into tabs) if a sketch name matches the folder name.

There are a couple options to fix this:

mashcode commented 10 years ago

Eric, Ah yes, it's like me to leave projects like these midstream so I should always remember to write to, then reboot my brain before graphing it :-/

Using the name BrainGrapher makes intuitive sense beyond that I think a doc or code comment would be the quickest cure.

Happy Shinnenkai!

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kitschpatrol commented 10 years ago

Yeah @mashcode I agree, so there's a fix for this issue (via a rename) in the latest commit! Take care.