kitskub / MyHungerGames
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Suggestion - Betting on a Winner #17

Open illumi241 opened 11 years ago

illumi241 commented 11 years ago

Would be nice if it would be possible to bet on a Winner.

If a Player dies, he is able to bet on a Winner and he pays a certain amount of Money into an "Hunger Games" Account and at the end of the game, the Players who where right with their bet are receiving the Amount of money in the "Hunger Games" account divided through the number of participants.

(with an Economy Plugin, eg iConomy with Vault)

I think that would be a nice feature and my Members would like it, a good Method to get ingame money and it's even more exciting to follow the game.

kitskub commented 11 years ago

This seems like a good idea for a plugin that hooks into the API.