kitskub / MyHungerGames
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MyHungerGames is causing a HUGE server lagg #30

Closed WoAnerges closed 11 years ago

WoAnerges commented 11 years ago

MyHungerGames is causing a HUGE server lagg and lagg is so big, that sometimes, server just hangs for few minutes. It's usually happening after the game has ended. But it's happening always.

kitskub commented 11 years ago

It could be the rollback that is happening at the end. I'm not sure about what else it could be, I have run profiles and found nothing.

WoAnerges commented 11 years ago

lagg starts after I try /hga reload, /hga set enable Tournament true and few other commands. Sending hga commands may cause temporary server freezing sometimes. Can't help, but feel, there's loophole somewhere, or something. Please, add me on skype "***", I will give you address to my server and we will test it together.

kitskub commented 11 years ago

Will do. I edited out your skype name so you don't recieve spam and stuff

WoAnerges commented 11 years ago

Thanks, kitskub.

kitskub commented 11 years ago

Can you confirm this is still happening?

WoAnerges commented 11 years ago

Unable to confirm.

kitskub commented 11 years ago

Like, it doesn't happen or you can't test?

Trikolon commented 11 years ago

Seems similar to #44

Trikolon commented 11 years ago

Are these rollbacks processed in a seperate thread?

Trikolon commented 11 years ago

Seems to be fixed in latest dev-build.