kitsunyan / pakku

Pacman wrapper with AUR support
GNU General Public License v3.0
130 stars 8 forks source link

Any way to only update so called developmental packages with VCS sources (-git, -hg, -bzr, -svn)? #11

Open ava1ar opened 6 years ago

ava1ar commented 6 years ago

I am migrating from yaourt and was checking pakku functinality for the operations I am performing frequently. Using yaourt I was periodically running something like yaourt -Su --devel which will rebuild the developmental packages only (with sources from VCS, their names end with -git, -hg, -bzr, -svn. All other AUR packages are remain untouch. Since such packages rarely get version change in PKGBUILD in AUR, they are not updated by standard update procedure. To handle this, yaourt with --devel flag specified was fetching PKGBUILDs for them, checking pkgver() (which was updated according to the VCS revision) and install the updated version, if it is never, than already installed. Are there any way to perform same kind of action using pakku?

kitsunyan commented 6 years ago

Right now pakku doesn't support this, but it's a planned feature.

birdspider commented 6 years ago


pakku -Qqs '\-(git|hg|svn|bzr)' | pakku -Syu -
kitsunyan commented 6 years ago

@birdspider I'd like to implement a faster approach. I'll cache all source repositories so makepkg could just update them in order to check the version, starting upgrade only if it's necessary.

cbowman57 commented 5 years ago

Has there been any progress made on this feature?

stefanhusmann commented 5 years ago

I am not sure if I should open a seperate issue for this, But I have a strange problem. Pakku wants to update two packages which in fact are up to date.

 LANG=C pakku -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 xyne-x86_64 is up to date
 my is up to date
 archlinuxcn is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: bigloo: local (2:4.3f_alpha13Mar19-1) is newer than extra (4.3a-3)
 there is nothing to do
:: Resolving build targets...
checking AUR database for upgrades...
(2/2) cloning repositories                                        00:00 [########################################] 100%
warning: st-luke-git was not found in AUR
warning: xcl-git was not found in AUR
resolving dependencies...

Packages (2) heirloom-ex-vi-git-4.1.3.r41.d47dc5a-1  hop-git-1:3.2.0r5279.848b1d1f-1

:: Proceed with building? [Y/n]

LANG=C pacman -Qi heirloom-ex-vi-git
Name            : heirloom-ex-vi-git
Version         : 4.1.3r41.d47dc5a-1
Description     : The traditional Vi
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : custom:BSD
Groups          : None
Provides        : vi
Depends On      : None
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : heirloom-ex-vi-cvs  vi
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 317.00 KiB
Packager        : Stefan Husmann <>
Build Date      : Sun Mar 17 20:20:09 2019
Install Date    : Mon Mar 18 01:19:12 2019
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : None

LANG=C pacman -Qi hop-git
Name            : hop-git
Version         : 1:3.2.0r5279.d5830f86-1
Description     : Software Development Kit for the Web
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL  LGPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : hop
Depends On      : bigloo  gmp  libunistring  libuv  avahi  sqlite
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : hop
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 40.72 MiB
Packager        : Stefan Husmann <>
Build Date      : Sun Mar 17 20:20:39 2019
Install Date    : Mon Mar 18 01:19:13 2019
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : Yes
Validated By    : None

Especiallly strange: I do not get from where pakku detects the hash 848b1d1f, it is not correct.