kitsunyan / pakku

Pacman wrapper with AUR support
GNU General Public License v3.0
130 stars 8 forks source link

Don't let one build failure undo everything #24

Open rantingpirate opened 5 years ago

rantingpirate commented 5 years ago

It's incredibly frustrating to spend five minutes cloning git repositories, 10-20 tweaking PKGBUILDs, and another 30 or more building... only to have a failed build undo EVERYTHING. I can understand why you might not want to cache things by default, but for -Su to be useful (especially for people who sometimes go a couple weeks or more between invocations), pakku really needs to support either caching or the ability to continue updating other packages after a build fails, skipping just the fail package and those dependent on it.

kitlith commented 5 years ago

I notice there's a PreserveBuilt option in the config, perhaps at the very least enabling that would let you keep whatever packages have already been built and install them manually instead of having to preform a full rebuild.

I agree, however, that the default behavior should be a bit better about this.

recolic commented 4 years ago

There's some thing even worse: You run proxychains -q pakku -Syu --noconfirm and went asleep, your computer is upgrading 50 packages from AUR.

Tomorrow morning, you computer says: I did nothing last night because the first package has a build warning in gcc9!