Created in issue #17, when an item is renewed the displayed 'due date' is updated to reflect the new due date. An item due on the 15th, renewed until the 20th will be updated to display the due date as the 20th. A table will also appear on the management page for that loan, displaying all occasions when the item was renewed. Each renewing displays the updated due date.
This issue is that there is no part of the UI that displays the item's original due date. Not only is this unhelpful but potentially allows for malicious renewing of an item to hide a due date that would have resulted in a fine.
My thoughts on possible solutions all have pitfalls, so I have not implemented any of them. While it is unlikely that anyone has even noticed this repository, let alone read through the issues page, I'll leave it 'open to debate'.
Change renewings table such that each row displays the item's previous due date, rather than its amended due date. The pro would be all information is displayed on the page. The con would be that it feels unintuitive to display an item's past due date on a listing that would intuitively display either what things have become or both past/future states.
Change renewings table such that each row displays both the past and updated due date. The pro would be that this lacks the issue of feeling unintuitive by displaying something's past state. The con would be repeated data. As each new renewal makes a data cell of the past row redundant, or vice versa.
Add 'Original Due Date' to loans meta/info box. This would avoid the issues of the above solutions at the cost of bloating an info box that already contains four timestamps and alot of other information. This is potentially an issue with the other information already there, which could be potentially be put elsewhere or in a new element. Until the loans metabox gets less bloated this solutions seems unrealistic.
Created in issue #17, when an item is renewed the displayed 'due date' is updated to reflect the new due date. An item due on the 15th, renewed until the 20th will be updated to display the due date as the 20th. A table will also appear on the management page for that loan, displaying all occasions when the item was renewed. Each renewing displays the updated due date.
This issue is that there is no part of the UI that displays the item's original due date. Not only is this unhelpful but potentially allows for malicious renewing of an item to hide a due date that would have resulted in a fine.
My thoughts on possible solutions all have pitfalls, so I have not implemented any of them. While it is unlikely that anyone has even noticed this repository, let alone read through the issues page, I'll leave it 'open to debate'.