The classes currently in the helper folder are identical to the library classes. I would think of the helper classes as for classes that can be used between projects. Such as the Dev Kit's ISBNdb class.
While the settings class for registering settings sections could be made a helper that would be a separate issue.
I propose merging the helper classes directory into the library (lib) directory. When a class is actually re-usable between projects the helper folder and relevant main class method can be easily re-added.
The classes currently in the helper folder are identical to the library classes. I would think of the helper classes as for classes that can be used between projects. Such as the Dev Kit's ISBNdb class.
While the settings class for registering settings sections could be made a helper that would be a separate issue.
I propose merging the helper classes directory into the library (lib) directory. When a class is actually re-usable between projects the helper folder and relevant main class method can be easily re-added.