kittykatattack / hexi

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Button hover effect stops working #52

Open Digital-Odyssey opened 6 years ago

Digital-Odyssey commented 6 years ago


Anyone alive on these forums?

Just wanted to point out that the button hover effect stops working when you set interact to false and then set it back it to true. If you could fix this that would be great.

Also, a feature to set an active down state would be great. Im currently building an options menu for my game which has an Audio toggle button - i would like the audio button to remain in the down state when i turn the audio off and then revert back to the up state when i turn the audio back on.


kittykatattack commented 6 years ago

Thanks for alerting me to this! The first issue is definitely a bug, and the second is an excellent feature request.

Just for context: I actually only use HTML UI elements in my own games. (I create a HTML layer above the Pixi canvas and display HTML buttons/sliders etc. on it.) For a few reasons: UI programming is very complex and the HTML UI components are very easy to use and can be styled in any way. Also for accessibility - All the work I do is required to meet the WC3 accessibly standards up to level 2 (, and using HTML UI elements is the only way to do that.

Digital-Odyssey commented 6 years ago

If you could fix the bug that would be great - as for the active state option i mentioned i found a temporary workaround by simply swapping out the button with an active state button but this approach is a bit of a pain to be honest. If you could integrate this feature that would be great.

Thanks for getting back to me.