kittykatattack / hexi

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Upgrading to Pixi 4? #54

Closed Digital-Odyssey closed 6 years ago

Digital-Odyssey commented 6 years ago


Is it possible to update the pixi engine to version 4? I am running into texture issues on mobile devices and after digging around the Pixi forums i've come to learn that most of the texture issues i am experiencing with version 3 have been fixed in version 4.

If its easy to do can you provide me with some instructions on how to go about updating the engine?


kittykatattack commented 6 years ago

@PulsarMedia Instead of using hexi.min.js, you could try linking these three files, in order: pixi.min.js (the latest version 4), modules.js, and core.js. This did work with earlier versions of Pixi v4, but I'm not sure if current versions have introduced breaking API changes that prevent v3 compatibility. Upgrading to v4 is something I started a few months ago, but it proved to be a major task and is unfortunately not something I'm able to do soon (see: Have you asked on the Pixi forums or Pixi's Github issues whether there's s fix for the texture rendering problems you're encountering?

Digital-Odyssey commented 6 years ago

I was able to figure out what the texture issue was yesterday - i was loading an animation spritesheet with a width of around 5000px and the texture was rendering black on mobile devices. I shortened the width to 3900px and that fixed the issue.

If i run into any other texture issues down the road i will bring it to your attention. I would love to see an update to the Hexi engine running on Pixi 4 though...after reading up on Pixi 4 it looks like they have made significant improvements to the engine. I know its a lot of work to update it but it would be beneficial for Hexi users.

Overall i'm really enjoying the Hexi engine 👍

kittykatattack commented 6 years ago

Glad you got it working!