kittykatattack / sound.js

A micro-library to load, play and generate sound effects and music for games and interactive applications
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Local Testing Broken in Chrome: Cross Origin request are only supported for protocol schemes (yes I'm running a local server) #23

Open CloverFeywilde opened 6 years ago

CloverFeywilde commented 6 years ago

Yes, I am using http-server in my root directory and am still getting this error message. The exact message reads: Failed to load file:///home/bryan/Documents/Projects/faerieFM/sounds/faerieFM.mp3: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https. it works in every other browser except chrome. I'm wondering if it's an update chrome did that broke it. Also, my game used to work in chrome. And I'm guessing somewhat recently functionality broke.

Edit:: Okay so It works in chrome, but not locally. I guess one could test their scripts in firefox locally? Either way it's just weird that I can no longer test my game in chrome without snagging these errors on sound.js