kitze / mobx-router

A simple router for MobX + React apps
509 stars 66 forks source link

Documentation #27

Closed LeonardoGentile closed 7 years ago

LeonardoGentile commented 7 years ago

Hello, I've tried to dive into your code and many things do not work as expected or as presented in the docs. I like this project but I guess the doc is not up to date. An example is the router.goTo( generates a view.replaceUrlParams is not a function because the goTo method expect more parameters to be passed to it.

Another example is how we start the router, see #17.

Is this project maintained, meaning I could invest some time diving into it also to help you somehow or was this just a weekend experiment?

BTW: director is unmaintained, last commit was done 2 years ago, check this out:

kitze commented 7 years ago

Yeah @LeonardoGentile, I need to update the project docs a little bit. Will be done soon!

LeonardoGentile commented 7 years ago

Hi @kitze In the end I've taken another ehmm..route and implemented my own version of mobx-router as a plugin of router5, take a look at a very early version:

Maybe we could converge some day ;)

kitze commented 7 years ago

Looks nice @LeonardoGentile, good luck! 🙌