Closed nooninm closed 2 years ago
My video course seems to not need _png, so my solution for now is to simply comment out the line trying to import it. In my case it is line 256 of garden.matplotlib\ like so:
did not work same error here
Same error since upgrading to Kivy 2.0.0 and matplotlib 3.3.3
My video course seems to not need _png, so my solution for now is to simply comment out the line trying to import it. In my case it is line 256 of garden.matplotlib\ like so:
from matplotlib import _png
Tried this fix, but raised another problem.
My python version is 3.8.3,
Kivy version is 1.11.1 and
matplotlib 3.3.1
ImportError: cannot import name 'FigureCanvansKivyAgg' from '' (C:\Users\user\.kivy\garden\garden.matplotlib\
Not yet tried the degrade matplotlib method, i hope this bug can be fixed soon.
I am facing the same issue certifi==2020.12.5 chardet==4.0.0 cycler==0.10.0 docutils==0.16 idna==2.10 Kivy==2.0.0 kivy-deps.angle==0.3.0 kivy-deps.glew==0.3.0 kivy-deps.gstreamer==0.3.1 kivy-deps.sdl2==0.3.1 Kivy-Garden==0.1.4 kiwisolver==1.3.1 matplotlib==3.3.3 numpy==1.19.5 pandas==1.2.0 Pillow==8.1.0 Pygments==2.7.4 pymongo==3.11.2 pyparsing==2.4.7 pypiwin32==223 python-dateutil==2.8.1 pytz==2020.5 pywin32==300 requests==2.25.1 six==1.15.0 urllib3==1.26.2
I did a little bit of tests, this seems to affect usage with matplotlib versions >=3.3.0. You could try downgrading your matplotlib versions until maintainers don't address this issue
pip install -U "matplotlib<3.3.0"
Also, this seems a duplicate of issues and Although this issue's title better captures what's the problem
from import FigureCanvasKivyAgg
Everything was installed properly and I have no errors being picked up in the PyCharm IDE. However upon running just the my .py file which includes the above. I get the error:
ImportError: cannot import name '_png' from 'matplotlib'
I have matplotlib version = latest, I tried to downgrade to version = 3.1.3 but it could not get install on my machine. I don't know why.
The downgrading option is really not optimal as I need latest version of mpl for other applications.
Thank you for suggesting some ways out of this!
Commenting out from matplotlib import _png
and from from matplotlib import _path
as suggested in #58 (and #67) allows one to run a script with the line from import FigureCanvasKivyAgg
However upon testing it with a simple program like the one in the answer in
I get a bunch of errors:
line 623, in __getitem__ return dict.__getitem__(self, key) KeyError: 'datapath'
I hope this is clear and hope to get some advice on this! Many thanks!
UPDATE bis: So downgraded to 3.2.2 as @ChromaticIsobar suggested and it works but the depreciation isn't optimal so any other options, would be great! :)
I have a problem importing the _png from matplotlib while working with python and kivy. After entering : from import FigureCanvasKivyAgg in python file and running it, i receive the following Import Error. Please does some one have an idea how to solve the problem?
ImportError: cannot import name '_png' from 'matplotlib' (C:\Users\djiometsa-jiotio\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python38\site-packages\
I have the following versions of modules installed: Kivy==2.0.0 kivy-deps.angle==0.3.0 kivy-deps.glew==0.3.0 kivy-deps.sdl2==0.3.1 Kivy-Garden==0.1.4 kivy-garden.graph==0.4.0 kiwisolver==1.3.2 matplotlib==3.2.2
Thanks for your proposals
@djiometsa what i did was the following:
# from matplotlib import _png
from backend_kivy import FigureCanvasKivy
)i cant test it right now but this should get you on the right track for a temporary fix
It is still not working for me. After i did the fourth instruction, i had another Importerror
4. from backend_kivy import FigureCanvasKivy
ImportError: cannot import name 'FigureCanvasKivy' from partially initialized module 'backend_kivy' (most likely due to a circular import)
For me this works. Minimal reproducible example:
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from import App
from backend_kivy import FigureCanvasKivy
class TestApp(App):
def build(self):
root = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
lbl = Label(text="[b]Some FigureCanvasKivy attributes:[/b]\n" + "\n".join(dir(FigureCanvasKivy)[-20:]), markup=True)
return root
if __name__ == '__main__':
For me this works. Minimal reproducible example:
from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from import App from backend_kivy import FigureCanvasKivy
Holy Crap, Batman (I mean @Mnikley). That works!
WTF with matplotlib _png?
And why is Kivy rated as #1 in "The 6 Best Python GUI Frameworks for Developers"?
Guys, downgrading to 3.2.2 works for me
All five files below fail the same way. I discovered it following along in a Samuel POS course. .kivy\garden\garden.matplotlib\
All five files give the same error. Namely, ImportError: cannot import name '_png' from 'matplotlib'
I have Python 3.8 and also a venv with 3.6.8. Same results.