kivy / kivy-ios

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Working app crash on iOS 17 #864

Closed sysnux closed 8 months ago

sysnux commented 9 months ago

My app has been working on iOS for a few years:

But tests on iOS-17 beta show it is now crashing on startup. I have rebuilt the app with latest Xcode-14 as requested, but still same crash on startup, without indication on what is wrong.

I could not find any hints on Kivy forums, is this a known problem? Has anyone tried iOS-17?

misl6 commented 9 months ago

Hi @sysnux !

On iOS 17 Simulator, with XCode 15 RC1, everything works like a charm.

sysnux commented 9 months ago

Hi @misl6, Thanks for your reply. I was able to confirm my app works fine on iOS 17 simulator, with Xcode 15.0 (15A240d). I just had to change "User Script Sandboxing" to No. Still, I does not work on iPhone :(

misl6 commented 9 months ago

Hi @sysnux

With iOS 17 and XCode 15 now generally available, I can confirm that I'm not able to reproduce your issue even on a real device (iPhone 14 Pro).

I also did not needed to change "User Script Sandboxing" to NO in order to have the app running on the simulator.

Do you have any log that can help to debug? (I'm keeping the issue open as you may be using a specific feature that need to be fixed, but without any log is hard to triage it)

sysnux commented 9 months ago

Hi @misl6

The application is now working fine, and an iOS17 compatible version is on the Apple Store, yeah!

The crash was actually in plyer. My code is using from plyer, which generates TypeError on iOS17 iPhone only (not on Simulator):

  File "/.../site-packages/plyer/platforms/ios/", line 19, in _get_uid
     uuid = UIDevice.currentDevice().identifierForVendor.UUIDString()
 TypeError: 'Swift.__StringStorage' object is not callable

I changed my code to:

            self.uniqueid =
        except (TypeError, NotImplementedError, NameError):

Concerning "User Script Sandboxingg", I still have the error if I enable it: Sandbox: rsync deny file-read-data /Users/..../polyapp-ios/YourApp Maybe specific to this application, not sure why.

You can close the issue, thanks!

misl6 commented 9 months ago

@sysnux can you please target this specific issue with a PR on plyer? 😃

sysnux commented 9 months ago

Hi @misl6,

I can't test the fix, so PR is not possible, sorry. I opened an issue instead:

Thanks for your support!

Julian-O commented 8 months ago

Closing as duplicate of Plyer issue.