I have installed Kivy with the following self extracting file : http://kivy.org/downloads/1.9.0/Kivy-1.9.0-py2.7-win32-x86.exe
Then I have copied kivy-27.bat in SendTo folder.
Then I tried to start Kivy-1.9.0-py2.7-win32-x86\kivy27\examples\demo\showcase\main.py just like the demo using send to, and it returned the error 'python.exe' not recognized as a command.
Did I miss something?
I also have another python (with kivy) installed because it was the package. Do you know if there is any easy & safe soluce to install kivy in my main python folder, on windows 7?
Hello. I have installed Kivy with the following self extracting file : http://kivy.org/downloads/1.9.0/Kivy-1.9.0-py2.7-win32-x86.exe Then I have copied kivy-27.bat in SendTo folder. Then I tried to start Kivy-1.9.0-py2.7-win32-x86\kivy27\examples\demo\showcase\main.py just like the demo using send to, and it returned the error 'python.exe' not recognized as a command. Did I miss something?
I also have another python (with kivy) installed because it was the package. Do you know if there is any easy & safe soluce to install kivy in my main python folder, on windows 7?
Thank you! :smile: