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Unexpected behavior by TypeError in `query_xinput` method #8674

Open marinelay opened 1 month ago

marinelay commented 1 month ago

Software Versions

Describe the bug I found a potential unexpected behavior due to a TypeError between str and bytes in query_xinput function.

The variable prop is bytes type, but this code is trying to split it using string type, such as prop.split('"')[1] at line 132. This always raise TypeError, so evpath is always None type when prop.startswith(b'Device Node') is true. I believe it is a miss point when supporting Python 3.x (related issue #3373 and pr #3417).

Expected behavior prop.split(b'"')[1]

To Reproduce I regret to say that I can't reproduce this error because I found this bug through my type checker. Nevertheless, I report this issue because I think it is the miss point when changing string to bytes. If this is not indeed a bug, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you.

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