kivy / kivy

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`ConfigParser.write` takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given #8678

Closed marinelay closed 3 weeks ago

marinelay commented 1 month ago

Software Versions

Describe the bug

Config is object of ConfigParser and ConfigParser.write method does not require any positional arguments. Thus, it always raises TypeError: write() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given at line 484. I believe setting self.filename as kivy_config_fn is more accurate like this:

Config.filename = kivy_config_fn

I wonder it is the right behavior.

Expected behavior

Config.filename = kivy_config_fn

To Reproduce

from kivy.config import Config

with open("abc", 'w') as fd:

Code and Logs and screenshots

misl6 commented 1 month ago

Nice catch!

I can confirm the issue is reproducible with python examples/demo/touchtracer/ -m monitor --save I guess no one used the --save option for the last ~12 years? 😅

Would you like to make a PR for it?

misl6 commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed via #8681