kivy / kivy

Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
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Add support for wl-clipboard for Linux #8683

Open sameersharma2006 opened 3 weeks ago

sameersharma2006 commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I want to use kivy clipboard module in my program but kivy is unable to get any output from a wayland session, i believe this is due to lack of support for wayland compatible clipboard module.

Describe the solution you'd like Just like xclip, nowadays wl-clipboard is available and is also available in Debian 10 & Ubuntu 20.04, kivy should add support for usability within wayland sessions through wl-clipboard.

Describe alternatives you've considered Any better and feasible solution to get kivy.clipboard work inside wayland session will be ok.

Additional context This needs extra focus as Linux is going full on wayland and hence i believe my request is valid.