kivy / plyer

Plyer is a platform-independent Python wrapper for platform-dependent APIs
MIT License
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gps.configure() results in exception #257

Closed zoltan-fedor closed 7 years ago

zoltan-fedor commented 7 years ago

I am trying to use plyer to get the GPS coordinates on an Android with the following code.


from plyer import gps
from kivy.clock import Clock, mainthread

class MyGps():

    def __init__(self):
        self.gps_location = None
        self.gps_status = None

            gps.configure(on_location=self.on_location,  # function to call when receiving new location
                          on_status=self.on_status)  # function to call when a status message received
        except NotImplementedError:
            import traceback
            self.gps_status = 'GPS is not implemented for your platform'

    def start(self, minTime=1000, minDistance=1):
        """ Starts the GPS location updates

        minTime: (default: 1000) updates in milliseconds (float)
        minDistance: (default: 1) updates in meters (float)
        gps.start(minTime, minDistance)

    def stop(self):
        """ Stop the GPS location updates """

    def on_location(self, **kwargs):
        self.gps_location = '\n'.join(['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()])

    def on_status(self, stype, status):
        self.gps_status = 'type={}\n{}'.format(stype, status)

But when it hits the gps.configure() part in the above class, it throws an exception.

See the log from android below:

12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] Using the "OpenGL ES 2" graphics system
12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] Backend used <gl>
12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] OpenGL version <OpenGL ES 3.0 V@140.0 AU@  (GIT@Ia10634f51b)>
12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] OpenGL vendor <Qualcomm>
12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] OpenGL renderer <Adreno (TM) 330>
12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] OpenGL parsed version: 3, 0
12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] Texture max size <4096>
12-29 15:50:12.793 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [GL          ] Texture max units <16>
12-29 15:50:12.833 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [Shader      ] program: <--From Vertex Shader:
12-29 15:50:12.833 31627 31644 I python  : --From Fragment Shader:
12-29 15:50:12.833 31627 31644 I python  : Link was successful.>
12-29 15:50:12.833 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [Window      ] auto add sdl2 input provider
12-29 15:50:12.833 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [Window      ] virtual keyboard not allowed, single mode, not docked
12-29 15:50:12.833 31627 31644 I python  : [WARNING] [Base        ] Unknown <android> provider
12-29 15:50:12.833 31627 31644 I python  : [INFO   ] [Base        ] Start application main loop
12-29 15:50:12.843 31627 31644 I python  : The platform we are running on is 'android'
12-29 15:50:13.253 31627 31644 W PythonActivity: Accessing is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please switch to
12-29 15:50:13.283   779  1469 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/system/recent_tasks/2571_task.xml.bak
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: static jfieldID 0xafa85388 not valid for class java.lang.Class<>
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]     in call to GetStaticObjectField
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]     from int
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=11 Runnable
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d4d520 self=0xb34b3d00
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31644 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xa00ff930
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=R schedstat=( 2230468160 148006783 1307 ) utm=189 stm=34 core=0 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0x9fffd000-0x9ffff000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00371b17  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 0035114d  /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 0025b2db  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+742)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 0025b9b5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+64)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 000fd351  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 00114c31  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+452)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 00116655  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+524)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 00116bef  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+30)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 00047999  /data/data/org.test.mapapp/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/ (???)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at method)
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.323 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] Runtime aborting...
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] Aborting thread:
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=11 Native
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d4d520 self=0xb34b3d00
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31644 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xa00ff930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=R schedstat=( 2274736758 154221101 1367 ) utm=190 stm=37 core=0 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0x9fffd000-0x9ffff000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes= "abort lock"
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00371b17  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 0035114d  /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 00334021  /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art10AbortState10DumpThreadERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEPNS_6ThreadE+28)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 003342bf  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+566)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 000f473b  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 0025b605  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+1552)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 0025b9b5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+64)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 000fd351  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 00114c31  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+452)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 00116655  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+524)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #10 pc 00116bef  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+30)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #11 pc 00047999  /data/data/org.test.mapapp/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/ (???)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] Dumping all threads without appropriate locks held: thread list lock mutator lock
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] All threads:
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] DALVIK THREADS (12):
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=11 Runnable
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d4d520 self=0xb34b3d00
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31644 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xa00ff930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=R schedstat=( 2338587389 159985418 1387 ) utm=191 stm=42 core=3 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0x9fffd000-0x9ffff000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00371b17  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiP12BacktraceMapPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+142)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 0035114d  /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEEP12BacktraceMap+160)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 0035b067  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14DumpCheckpoint3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+446)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 0035bc29  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList13RunCheckpointEPNS_7ClosureE+212)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 0035c19f  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+154)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 00334235  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+428)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 000f473b  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 0025b605  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+1552)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 0025b9b5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+64)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 000fd351  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #10 pc 00114c31  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+452)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #11 pc 00116655  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+524)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #12 pc 00116bef  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+30)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #13 pc 00047999  /data/data/org.test.mapapp/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/ (???)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x75a973a0 self=0xb4876500
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31627 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb6ff5b3c
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 239426323 98461420 681 ) utm=13 stm=10 core=3 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xbe532000-0xbe534000 stackSize=8MB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00017694  /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000f6cc5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 00110e43  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI11CallMethodVEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP7_jclassP10_jmethodIDSt9__va_listNS_9Primitive4TypeENS_10InvokeTypeE+870)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 00112671  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI16CallObjectMethodEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP10_jmethodIDz+48)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 00002bbb  /system/lib/ (jniGetReferent+94)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 000b0871  /system/lib/ (???)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 00012e93  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+530)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 00012f63  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 00086e69  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android18NativeMessageQueue8pollOnceEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjecti+22)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 02f69575  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at android.os.Looper.loop(
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at$
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "Signal Catcher" prio=5 tid=2 WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c5e0a0 self=0xad9e2900
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31634 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb37de930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 1424687 8646 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb36e2000-0xb36e4000 stackSize=1014KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00040bf8  /system/lib/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+12)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 0001c9df  /system/lib/ (sigwait+22)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 0033b3b5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher13WaitForSignalEPNS_6ThreadERNS_9SignalSetE+76)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 0033c543  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher3RunEPv+262)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 0003f4ef  /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 00019c8b  /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   (no managed stack frames)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "JDWP" prio=5 tid=3 WaitingInMainDebuggerLoop
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c600a0 self=0xb4876f00
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31635 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb36df930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 1639793 1192969 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb35e3000-0xb35e5000 stackSize=1014KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 000419d8  /system/lib/ (recvmsg+8)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 00401eb7  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP12JdwpAdbState15ReceiveClientFdEv+94)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 00402679  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP12JdwpAdbState6AcceptEv+104)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 002679b3  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWP9JdwpState3RunEv+238)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 0026887d  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art4JDWPL15StartJdwpThreadEPv+16)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 0003f4ef  /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 00019c8b  /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   (no managed stack frames)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "ReferenceQueueDaemon" prio=5 tid=4 Waiting
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c58be0 self=0xb4878300
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31636 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb35e0930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 626041 350730 9 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb34de000-0xb34e0000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00017694  /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000f6cc5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 002bf845  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 002c05a3  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 002d1e6b  /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+38)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 02f69377  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - waiting on <0x089aa660> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Daemons$
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - locked <0x089aa660> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "FinalizerDaemon" prio=5 tid=5 Waiting
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c58c40 self=0xb4878800
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31637 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb333f930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 571043 390467 8 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb323d000-0xb323f000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00017694  /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000f6cc5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 002bf845  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 002c05a3  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 002d1ea5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL13Object_waitJIEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectxi+44)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 02f69575  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__JI+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - waiting on <0x06ca4719> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Object.wait(
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - locked <0x06ca4719> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Daemons$
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" prio=5 tid=6 Waiting
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c58ca0 self=0xb4879200
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31638 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb323a930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 574115 0 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb3138000-0xb313a000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00017694  /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000f6cc5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 002bf845  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 002c05a3  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 002d1e6b  /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+38)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 02f69377  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - waiting on <0x0c2013de> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - locked <0x0c2013de> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Daemons$
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=7 Blocked
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c58d00 self=0xb487a600
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31639 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb3135930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 581822 0 6 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb3033000-0xb3035000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00017694  /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000f6cc5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 001d7e7d  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc13TaskProcessor7GetTaskEPNS_6ThreadE+104)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 001d838f  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art2gc13TaskProcessor11RunAllTasksEPNS_6ThreadE+38)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 02f69377  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_runHeapTasks__+74)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - waiting to lock an unknown object
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Daemons$
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "Binder_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c660a0 self=0xad9e3d00
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31640 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb3030930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 4625104 7632606 24 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb2f34000-0xb2f36000 stackSize=1014KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00040a4c  /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000474c9  /system/lib/ (ioctl+14)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 0001e909  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+132)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 0001ee0f  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 0001eead  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+48)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 00023801  /system/lib/ (???)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 00010075  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 00062b03  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 0003f4ef  /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 00019c8b  /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   (no managed stack frames)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "Binder_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c9e0a0 self=0xb487ab00
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31641 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xb2f31930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 4780673 18255267 34 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=1 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xb2e35000-0xb2e37000 stackSize=1014KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00040a4c  /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000474c9  /system/lib/ (ioctl+14)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 0001e909  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14talkWithDriverEb+132)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 0001ee0f  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 0001eead  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+48)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 00023801  /system/lib/ (???)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 00010075  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 00062b03  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 0003f4ef  /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 00019c8b  /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   (no managed stack frames)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "RenderThread" prio=5 tid=10 Native
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d520a0 self=0xad9e5100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31642 nice=-4 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xa0628930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 86857128 24967250 189 ) utm=4 stm=4 core=0 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0xa052c000-0xa052e000 stackSize=1014KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00040924  /system/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 00019fb7  /system/lib/ (epoll_pwait+26)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 00019fc5  /system/lib/ (epoll_wait+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 00012ce7  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper9pollInnerEi+102)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 00012f63  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Looper8pollOnceEiPiS1_PPv+130)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 00021fab  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread12RenderThread10threadLoopEv+62)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 00010075  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+112)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 00062b03  /system/lib/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+70)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 0003f4ef  /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 00019c8b  /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   (no managed stack frames)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] "SDLThreadListener" prio=5 tid=12 Waiting
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d4d5e0 self=0xb34b4200
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | sysTid=31645 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0x9fff5930
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | state=S schedstat=( 429948 254635 2 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=0 HZ=100
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | stack=0x9fef3000-0x9fef5000 stackSize=1038KB
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   | held mutexes=
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00017694  /system/lib/ (syscall+28)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 000f6cc5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art17ConditionVariable4WaitEPNS_6ThreadE+96)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 002bf845  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadExibNS_11ThreadStateE+1144)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 002c05a3  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Monitor4WaitEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_6mirror6ObjectExibNS_11ThreadStateE+142)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 002d1e6b  /system/lib/ (_ZN3artL11Object_waitEP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+38)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 02f69377  /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+74)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - waiting on <0x0b6a49bf> (a java.lang.Object)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at java.lang.Thread.join(
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   - locked <0x0b6a49bf> (a java.lang.Object)
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at$
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/]   at
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.433 31627 31644 F art     : art/runtime/] 
12-29 15:50:13.443 31627 31644 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 31644 (SDLThread)
12-29 15:50:13.503   329   329 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
12-29 15:50:13.503   329   329 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'Verizon/kltevzw/kltevzw:6.0.1/MMB29M/G900VVRU2DPJ2:user/release-keys'
12-29 15:50:13.503   329   329 F DEBUG   : Revision: '14'
12-29 15:50:13.503   329   329 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm'
12-29 15:50:13.503   329   329 F DEBUG   : pid: 31627, tid: 31644, name: SDLThread  >>> org.test.mapapp <<<
12-29 15:50:13.503   329   329 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   : Abort message: 'art/runtime/] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: static jfieldID 0xafa85388 not valid for class java.lang.Class<>'
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     r0 00000000  r1 00007b9c  r2 00000006  r3 a00ff978
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     r4 a00ff980  r5 a00ff930  r6 00000000  r7 0000010c
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     r8 b40bf378  r9 b40c4800  sl 00000001  fp 00000001
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     ip 00000006  sp a00fa6e0  lr b6d56bf1  pc b6d58fe0  cpsr 40070010
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   : 
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 00041fe0  /system/lib/ (tgkill+12)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0003fbed  /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+32)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 0001c38b  /system/lib/ (raise+10)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #03 pc 00019609  /system/lib/ (__libc_android_abort+34)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #04 pc 0001755c  /system/lib/ (abort+4)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 0033416d  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+228)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 000f473b  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 0025b605  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+1552)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 0025b9b5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+64)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 000fd351  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #10 pc 00114c31  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+452)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #11 pc 00116655  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+524)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #12 pc 00116bef  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+30)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #13 pc 00047999  /data/data/org.test.mapapp/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/
12-29 15:50:14.143   329   329 F DEBUG   : 
12-29 15:50:14.143   329   329 F DEBUG   : Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_00
12-29 15:50:14.143   329   329 E DEBUG   : AM write failed: Broken pipe
12-29 15:50:14.143   329   329 E         : ro.product_ship = true
12-29 15:50:14.143   329   329 E         : ro.debug_level = 0x4f4c
12-29 15:50:14.143   329   329 E         : sys.mobilecare.preload = false
12-29 15:50:14.153  2370  2370 E audit   : type=1701 msg=audit(1483044614.143:13475): auid=4294967295 uid=10296 gid=10296 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 pid=31644 comm="SDLThread" reason="memory violation" sig=6
12-29 15:50:14.153   779   908 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
12-29 15:50:14.153   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   Force finishing activity org.test.mapapp/
12-29 15:50:14.163   779 31667 D FocusedStackFrame: Set to : 0
12-29 15:50:14.163   779 31667 D InputDispatcher: Focused application set to: xxxx
12-29 15:50:14.163   779 31667 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: 31627
12-29 15:50:14.163   779   915 D PointerIcon: setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:779 uid:1000
12-29 15:50:14.163   779   915 D PointerIcon: setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
12-29 15:50:14.163   779   915 D PointerIcon: setHoveringSpenIconStyle1 pointerType: 10001 iconType:1 flag:0 pid:779 uid:1000
12-29 15:50:14.163   779   915 D PointerIcon: setHoveringSpenCustomIcon IconType is same.1
12-29 15:50:14.173   779   792 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 11
12-29 15:50:14.173   779  1284 W InputDispatcher: channel ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
12-29 15:50:14.173   779  1284 E InputDispatcher: channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
12-29 15:50:14.173   315  1283 D libEGL  : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xb21fd6fc
12-29 15:50:14.193   386   386 I Zygote  : Process 31627 exited due to signal (6)
12-29 15:50:14.193   779  1307 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{a969d9e u0 d0 SurfaceView}
12-29 15:50:14.193   779   865 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$1500:299$PolicyHandler.handleMessage:1205 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 
12-29 15:50:14.193   779   792 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{6422a20 u0 d0 org.test.mapapp/}
12-29 15:50:14.193   779   792 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel
12-29 15:50:14.193   779   792 D PowerManagerService: [api] [s] userActivity : event: 0 flags: 0 (uid: 1000 pid: 779) eventTime = 408458053
12-29 15:50:14.193   779   792 D PowerManagerService: [api] release WakeLock flags=0x2000000a tag=WindowManager uid=1000 pid=779 (0x0)
12-29 15:50:14.193   779   792 D PowerManagerService: [api] applyWakeLockFlagsOnReleaseLocked : userActivityNoUpdateLocked is called : SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK        'WindowManager' ON_AFTER_RELEASE (uid=1000, pid=779, ws=WorkSource{10296}) (elapsedTime=1415)
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager: Exception thrown during pause
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 W ActivityManager:   at$
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT  frequency : 1958400  uid : 1000  pid : 779  pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@10
12-29 15:50:14.263   779 31667 D ActivityManager: mDVFSHelper.acquire()
12-29 15:50:14.263   313   313 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/31627/oom_score_adj; errno=2

Sorry that is a long log segment. Here is the main part highlighted:

12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   : Abort message: 'art/runtime/] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: static jfieldID 0xafa85388 not valid for class java.lang.Class<>'
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     r0 00000000  r1 00007b9c  r2 00000006  r3 a00ff978
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     r4 a00ff980  r5 a00ff930  r6 00000000  r7 0000010c
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     r8 b40bf378  r9 b40c4800  sl 00000001  fp 00000001
12-29 15:50:13.533   329   329 F DEBUG   :     ip 00000006  sp a00fa6e0  lr b6d56bf1  pc b6d58fe0  cpsr 40070010
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   : 
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 00041fe0  /system/lib/ (tgkill+12)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0003fbed  /system/lib/ (pthread_kill+32)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 0001c38b  /system/lib/ (raise+10)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #03 pc 00019609  /system/lib/ (__libc_android_abort+34)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #04 pc 0001755c  /system/lib/ (abort+4)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 0033416d  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime5AbortEv+228)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 000f473b  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10LogMessageD2Ev+2226)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 0025b605  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt8JniAbortEPKcS2_+1552)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 0025b9b5  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt9JniAbortVEPKcS2_St9__va_list+64)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 000fd351  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck6AbortFEPKcz+32)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #10 pc 00114c31  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art11ScopedCheck16CheckFieldAccessERNS_18ScopedObjectAccessEP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+452)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #11 pc 00116655  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI8GetFieldEPKcP7_JNIEnvP8_jobjectP9_jfieldIDbNS_9Primitive4TypeE+524)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #12 pc 00116bef  /system/lib/ (_ZN3art8CheckJNI20GetStaticObjectFieldEP7_JNIEnvP7_jclassP9_jfieldID+30)
12-29 15:50:13.553   329   329 F DEBUG   :     #13 pc 00047999  /data/data/org.test.mapapp/files/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnius/
12-29 15:50:14.143   329   329 F DEBUG   : 

The buildozer.spec has the INTERNET,ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION,ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permissions and multiple packages including plyer (kivy,hostpython2,futures,requests,openssl,pytz,plyer) listed as requirements.

Any idea?

zoltan-fedor commented 7 years ago

It seems this is a pyjnius issue, see

"It can be temporary solved by replacing with everywhere in the code manually" .... aaaahhhhhh

zoltan-fedor commented 7 years ago

It turns out the issue is that pypi still having an old plyer version. When adding git+ to requirements, then it works.

Solution is from:

To avoid having others tripped by the same thing, an update of the pypi package would be needed. Thanks

Update: Also needed to add android to requirements.