kivy / python-for-android

Turn your Python application into an Android APK
MIT License
8.28k stars 1.84k forks source link

SDL Error: Error Could not load any #1142

Closed Zen-CODE closed 5 years ago

Zen-CODE commented 6 years ago

Deploying on Android 4.3 (seems to only happens on versions < 4.4), ASUS MEMOPad, ME302C.

Using the latest checkout of buildozer, removing the apps ./builodozer folder and rebuilding.

commit 8f3f1bc3e92f78adc1319f0e97b8003c9c932c39
Author: Peter Badida <> 
Date:   Fri Aug 11 21:39:18 2017 +0200

The requirements file is here, with p4a using master:

The output is here:

Does not seems to be fixed by:

inclement commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the detailed report. Your log seems to indicate that the APK wasn't actually successfully pushed to the device (Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES]), so the error shown is not from the newly built APK. Could you post the log that you get if you fix this? Just uninstalling the old version should be enough.

I guess buildozer shouldn't proceed if the adb call fails, but that's a separate bug.

I also noticed that this looks like an x86 device running libhoudini, and I think the error dlopen failed: "/data/app-lib/" has unexpected e_machine: 40 can relate to that. If that turns out to be the same issue with the master branch, it may be possible to solve things by building an x86 APK.

Zen-CODE commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Will do. Yes, that device is Intel device using libhoudini, but we get the same error on another 4.2 ARM device.

Zen-CODE commented 6 years ago

Here is the output from another device that generates the same error. It's an ARM device, Quad core Cortex A7.

Mecer 8 inch Pad Android 4.2.2 Model 800p31C

Zen-CODE commented 6 years ago

A colleague had the following suggestion as to the cause

On unix systems (or on Windows using cygwin or mingw+msys) the command typically looks something like this:

    gcc shell.c sqlite3.c -lpthread -ldl

The pthreads library is needed to make SQLite threadsafe. But since the CLI is single threaded, we could instruct SQLite to build in a non-threadsafe mode and thereby omit the pthreads library:

    gcc -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 shell.c sqlite3.c -ldl

The -ldl library is needed to support dynamic loading, the sqlite3_load_extension() interface and the load_extension() SQL function. If these features are not required, then they can be omitted using SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION compile-time option:

tshirtman commented 5 years ago

Just got this using buildozer master and python-for-android master, built my app with python2 and ran it successfully, then rebuilt it with python3.7 and got the message about missing

V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: SDL2
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x13294
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: SDL2_image
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x7afc
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: SDL2_mixer
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x4714
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x2
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: SDL2_ttf
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x4f14
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x1
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: python2.7
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x1152c
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: python3.5m
V/pythonutil( 9250): Library loading error: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] couldn't find ""
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: python3.6m
V/pythonutil( 9250): Library loading error: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] couldn't find ""
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: python3.7m
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x188b0
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
V/pythonutil( 9250): Loading library: main
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0xae4
W/linker  ( 9250): unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x1
E/art     ( 9250): dlopen("/data/app/", RTLD_LAZY) failed: dlopen failed: library "" not found
V/pythonutil( 9250): Library loading error: dlopen failed: library "" not found
V/pythonutil( 9250): An UnsatisfiedLinkError occurred loading main
W/System.err( 9250): dlopen failed: library "" not found

build log

gabriel@gryphon:/t/tvpy> buildozer android debug
# Check configuration tokens
# Ensure build layout
# Create directory /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer
# Create directory /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/applibs
# Create directory /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform
# Create directory /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/app
# Check configuration tokens
# Read available permissions from api-versions.xml
# Preparing build
# Check requirements for android
# Run 'dpkg --version'
# Cwd None
Programme « dpkg » de gestion de paquets Debian version (amd64).
Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; veuillez consulter la « GNU General
Public License » version 2 ou supérieure pour prendre connaissance des
conditions de reproduction. AUCUNE garantie n'est offerte.
# Search for Git (git)
#  -> found at /usr/bin/git
# Search for Cython (cython)
#  -> found at /home/gabriel/.virtualenvs/kivy36/bin/cython
# Search for Java compiler (javac)
#  -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac
# Search for Java keytool (keytool)
#  -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/keytool
# Install platform
# Run '/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -q  \'appdirs\' \'colorama>=0.3.3\' \'jinja2\' \'six\' \'enum34; python_version<"3.4"\' \'sh>=1.10; sys_platform!="nt"\''
# Cwd None
You are using pip version 18.0, however version 18.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
# Apache ANT found at /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/apache-ant-1.9.4
# Android SDK found at /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-23
# Android NDK found at /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b
# Run '/home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-23/tools/android list sdk -u -e'
# Cwd /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform
Refresh Sources:
  Validate XML
  Parse XML
  Fetched Add-ons List successfully
  Refresh Sources
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
Packages available for installation or update: 29
id: 1 or "doc-24"
     Type: Doc
     Desc: Documentation for Android SDK, API 24, revision 1
id: 2 or "android-24"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 24
           Revision 2
id: 3 or "android-23"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 23
           Revision 3
id: 4 or "android-22"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 22
           Revision 2
id: 5 or "android-21"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 21
           Revision 2
id: 6 or "android-19"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 19
           Revision 4
id: 7 or "android-18"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 18
           Revision 3
id: 8 or "android-17"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 17
           Revision 3
id: 9 or "android-16"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 16
           Revision 5
id: 10 or "android-15"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 15
           Revision 5
id: 11 or "addon-google_apis-google-24"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 24, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 12 or "addon-google_apis-google-23"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 23, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 13 or "addon-google_apis-google-22"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 22, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 14 or "addon-google_apis-google-21"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 21, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 15 or "addon-google_apis-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 19, revision 20
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 16 or "addon-google_gdk-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Glass Development Kit Preview, Android API 19, revision 11
           By Google Inc.
           Preview of the Glass Development Kit
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 17 or "addon-google_apis-google-18"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 18, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 18 or "addon-google_apis-google-17"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 17, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 19 or "addon-google_apis-google-16"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 16, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 20 or "addon-google_apis-google-15"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 15, revision 3
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 21 or "extra-android-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Support Repository, revision 47
           By Android
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/android/m2repository
id: 22 or "extra-google-auto"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto Desktop Head Unit emulator, revision 1.1
           By Google Inc.
           Head unit emulator for developers targeting the Android Auto
           Install path: extras/google/auto
id: 23 or "extra-google-google_play_services"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play services, revision 49
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play services Javadocs and sample code
           Install path: extras/google/google_play_services
id: 24 or "extra-google-instantapps"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Instant Development SDK, revision 1.6
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play Instant Development SDK
           Install path: extras/google/instantapps
id: 25 or "extra-google-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Repository, revision 58
           By Google Inc.
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/google/m2repository
id: 26 or "extra-google-market_apk_expansion"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play APK Expansion library, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Market APK Expansion library
           Install path: extras/google/market_apk_expansion
id: 27 or "extra-google-market_licensing"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Licensing Library, revision 1
           By google
           Android Market Licensing client library
           Install path: extras/google/market_licensing
id: 28 or "extra-google-simulators"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto API Simulators, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Auto API testing simulators
           Install path: extras/google/simulators
id: 29 or "extra-google-webdriver"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Web Driver, revision 2
           By Google Inc.
           Install path: extras/google/webdriver
Refresh Sources:
  Validate XML
  Parse XML
  Fetched Add-ons List successfully
  Refresh Sources
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
Packages available for installation or update: 29
id: 1 or "doc-24"
     Type: Doc
     Desc: Documentation for Android SDK, API 24, revision 1
id: 2 or "android-24"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 24
           Revision 2
id: 3 or "android-23"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 23
           Revision 3
id: 4 or "android-22"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 22
           Revision 2
id: 5 or "android-21"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 21
           Revision 2
id: 6 or "android-19"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 19
           Revision 4
id: 7 or "android-18"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 18
           Revision 3
id: 8 or "android-17"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 17
           Revision 3
id: 9 or "android-16"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 16
           Revision 5
id: 10 or "android-15"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 15
           Revision 5
id: 11 or "addon-google_apis-google-24"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 24, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 12 or "addon-google_apis-google-23"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 23, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 13 or "addon-google_apis-google-22"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 22, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 14 or "addon-google_apis-google-21"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 21, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 15 or "addon-google_apis-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 19, revision 20
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 16 or "addon-google_gdk-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Glass Development Kit Preview, Android API 19, revision 11
           By Google Inc.
           Preview of the Glass Development Kit
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 17 or "addon-google_apis-google-18"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 18, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 18 or "addon-google_apis-google-17"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 17, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 19 or "addon-google_apis-google-16"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 16, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 20 or "addon-google_apis-google-15"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 15, revision 3
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 21 or "extra-android-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Support Repository, revision 47
           By Android
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/android/m2repository
id: 22 or "extra-google-auto"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto Desktop Head Unit emulator, revision 1.1
           By Google Inc.
           Head unit emulator for developers targeting the Android Auto
           Install path: extras/google/auto
id: 23 or "extra-google-google_play_services"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play services, revision 49
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play services Javadocs and sample code
           Install path: extras/google/google_play_services
id: 24 or "extra-google-instantapps"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Instant Development SDK, revision 1.6
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play Instant Development SDK
           Install path: extras/google/instantapps
id: 25 or "extra-google-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Repository, revision 58
           By Google Inc.
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/google/m2repository
id: 26 or "extra-google-market_apk_expansion"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play APK Expansion library, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Market APK Expansion library
           Install path: extras/google/market_apk_expansion
id: 27 or "extra-google-market_licensing"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Licensing Library, revision 1
           By google
           Android Market Licensing client library
           Install path: extras/google/market_licensing
id: 28 or "extra-google-simulators"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto API Simulators, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Auto API testing simulators
           Install path: extras/google/simulators
id: 29 or "extra-google-webdriver"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Web Driver, revision 2
           By Google Inc.
           Install path: extras/google/webdriver

# Run '/home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-23/tools/android list sdk -u -e -a'
# Cwd /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform
Refresh Sources:
  Validate XML
  Parse XML
  Fetched Add-ons List successfully
  Refresh Sources
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
Packages available for installation or update: 214
id: 1 or "tools"
     Type: Tool
     Desc: Android SDK Tools, revision 25.2.5
id: 2 or "platform-tools"
     Type: PlatformTool
     Desc: Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 28.0.1
id: 3 or "build-tools-28.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28.0.3
id: 4 or "build-tools-28.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28.0.2
id: 5 or "build-tools-28.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28.0.1
id: 6 or "build-tools-28.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28
id: 7 or "build-tools-27.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27.0.3
id: 8 or "build-tools-27.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27.0.2
id: 9 or "build-tools-27.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27.0.1
id: 10 or "build-tools-27.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27
id: 11 or "build-tools-26.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26.0.3
id: 12 or "build-tools-26.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26.0.2
id: 13 or "build-tools-26.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26.0.1
id: 14 or "build-tools-26.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26
id: 15 or "build-tools-25.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25.0.3
id: 16 or "build-tools-25.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25.0.2
id: 17 or "build-tools-25.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25.0.1
id: 18 or "build-tools-25.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25
id: 19 or "build-tools-24.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24.0.3
id: 20 or "build-tools-24.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24.0.2
id: 21 or "build-tools-24.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24.0.1
id: 22 or "build-tools-24.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24
id: 23 or "build-tools-23.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23.0.3
id: 24 or "build-tools-23.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23.0.2
id: 25 or "build-tools-23.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23.0.1
id: 26 or "build-tools-23.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23 (Obsolete)
id: 27 or "build-tools-22.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 22.0.1
id: 28 or "build-tools-22.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 22 (Obsolete)
id: 29 or "build-tools-21.1.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1.2
id: 30 or "build-tools-21.1.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1.1 (Obsolete)
id: 31 or "build-tools-21.1.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1 (Obsolete)
id: 32 or "build-tools-21.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.0.2 (Obsolete)
id: 33 or "build-tools-21.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.0.1 (Obsolete)
id: 34 or "build-tools-21.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21 (Obsolete)
id: 35 or "build-tools-20.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 20
id: 36 or "build-tools-19.1.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.1
id: 37 or "build-tools-19.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.3 (Obsolete)
id: 38 or "build-tools-19.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.2 (Obsolete)
id: 39 or "build-tools-19.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.1 (Obsolete)
id: 40 or "build-tools-19.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19 (Obsolete)
id: 41 or "build-tools-18.1.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.1.1 (Obsolete)
id: 42 or "build-tools-18.1.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.1 (Obsolete)
id: 43 or "build-tools-18.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.0.1 (Obsolete)
id: 44 or "build-tools-17.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 17 (Obsolete)
id: 45 or "doc-24"
     Type: Doc
     Desc: Documentation for Android SDK, API 24, revision 1
id: 46 or "android-28"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 28
           Revision 6
id: 47 or "android-27"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 27
           Revision 3
id: 48 or "android-26"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 26
           Revision 2
id: 49 or "android-25"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 25
           Revision 3
id: 50 or "android-24"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 24
           Revision 2
id: 51 or "android-23"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 23
           Revision 3
id: 52 or "android-22"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 22
           Revision 2
id: 53 or "android-21"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 21
           Revision 2
id: 54 or "android-20"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 20
           Revision 2
id: 55 or "android-19"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 19
           Revision 4
id: 56 or "android-18"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 18
           Revision 3
id: 57 or "android-17"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 17
           Revision 3
id: 58 or "android-16"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 16
           Revision 5
id: 59 or "android-15"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 15
           Revision 5
id: 60 or "android-14"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 14
           Revision 4
id: 61 or "android-13"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 13
           Revision 1
id: 62 or "android-12"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 12
           Revision 3
id: 63 or "android-11"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 11
           Revision 2
id: 64 or "android-10"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 10
           Revision 2
id: 65 or "android-9"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 9
           Revision 2
id: 66 or "android-8"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 8
           Revision 3
id: 67 or "android-7"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 7
           Revision 3
id: 68 or "android-6"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 6
           Revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 69 or "android-5"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 5
           Revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 70 or "android-4"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 4
           Revision 3 (Obsolete)
id: 71 or "android-3"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 3
           Revision 4 (Obsolete)
id: 72 or "android-2"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 2
           Revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 73 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 74 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Wear OS Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 75 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 76 or "sys-img-x86-android-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 77 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis_playstore-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 78 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 79 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 80 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 81 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 82 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 83 or "sys-img-x86-android-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 84 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 85 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 86 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 11
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 87 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 88 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 89 or "sys-img-x86-android-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 90 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 91 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 12
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 92 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 12
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 93 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 13
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 94 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-wear-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 95 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 96 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 97 or "sys-img-x86-android-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 98 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 9
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 99 or "sys-img-arm64-v8a-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM 64 v8a System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 100 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 101 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 102 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 103 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 19
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 104 or "sys-img-arm64-v8a-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM 64 v8a System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 105 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 106 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 107 or "sys-img-x86-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 108 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 19
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 109 or "sys-img-arm64-v8a-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM 64 v8a System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 110 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 111 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 112 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 113 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-tv-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 12
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 114 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 17
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 115 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-wear-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 116 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 117 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 10
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 118 or "sys-img-x86-android-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 10
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 119 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 30
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 120 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 30
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 121 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 30
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 122 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 123 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 2
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 124 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 125 or "sys-img-x86-android-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 126 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 23
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 127 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 23
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 128 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 23
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 129 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-tv-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 130 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 131 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 132 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 133 or "sys-img-x86-android-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 134 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 29
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 135 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 29
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 136 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 29
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 137 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 138 or "sys-img-x86-android-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 139 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 37
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 140 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 37
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 141 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 142 or "sys-img-x86-android-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 143 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 144 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 145 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 146 or "sys-img-x86-android-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 147 or "sys-img-mips-android-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: MIPS System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 148 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 149 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 150 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 151 or "sys-img-x86-android-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 152 or "sys-img-mips-android-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: MIPS System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 153 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 154 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 155 or "sys-img-x86-android-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 156 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 157 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 158 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-14"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 2
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 14
id: 159 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 160 or "sys-img-x86-android-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 161 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 162 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 163 or "addon-google_apis-google-24"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 24, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 164 or "addon-google_apis-google-23"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 23, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 165 or "addon-google_apis-google-22"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 22, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 166 or "addon-google_apis-google-21"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 21, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 167 or "addon-google_apis-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 19, revision 20
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 168 or "addon-google_gdk-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Glass Development Kit Preview, Android API 19, revision 11
           By Google Inc.
           Preview of the Glass Development Kit
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 169 or "addon-google_apis-google-18"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 18, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 170 or "addon-google_apis-google-17"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 17, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 171 or "addon-google_apis-google-16"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 16, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 172 or "addon-google_apis-google-15"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 15, revision 3
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 173 or "addon-google_apis-google-14"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 14, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 14
id: 174 or "addon-google_apis-google-13"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 13, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 13
id: 175 or "addon-google_tv_addon-google-13"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google TV Addon, Android API 13, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 13
id: 176 or "addon-google_apis-google-12"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 12, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 12
id: 177 or "addon-google_tv_addon-google-12"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google TV Addon, Android API 12, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 12
id: 178 or "addon-google_apis-google-11"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 11, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 11
id: 179 or "addon-google_apis-google-10"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 10, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 180 or "addon-google_apis-google-9"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 9, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 9
id: 181 or "addon-google_apis-google-8"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 8, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 8
id: 182 or "addon-google_apis-google-7"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 7, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 7
id: 183 or "addon-google_apis-google-6"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 6, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 6
id: 184 or "addon-google_apis-google-5"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 5, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 5
id: 185 or "addon-google_apis-google-4"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 4, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 4
id: 186 or "addon-google_apis-google-3"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 3, revision 3 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 3
id: 187 or "source-28"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 28, revision 1
id: 188 or "source-27"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 27, revision 1
id: 189 or "source-26"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 26, revision 1
id: 190 or "source-25"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 25, revision 1
id: 191 or "source-24"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 24, revision 1
id: 192 or "source-23"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 23, revision 1
id: 193 or "source-22"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 22, revision 1
id: 194 or "source-21"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 21, revision 1
id: 195 or "source-20"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 20, revision 1
id: 196 or "source-19"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 19, revision 2
id: 197 or "source-18"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 18, revision 1
id: 198 or "source-17"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 17, revision 1
id: 199 or "source-16"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 16, revision 2
id: 200 or "source-15"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 15, revision 2
id: 201 or "source-14"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 14, revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 202 or "extra-android-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Support Repository, revision 47
           By Android
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/android/m2repository
id: 203 or "extra-google-admob_ads_sdk"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google AdMob Ads SDK, revision 11 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           AdMob Ads SDK
           Install path: extras/google/admob_ads_sdk
id: 204 or "extra-google-analytics_sdk_v2"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Analytics App Tracking SDK, revision 3 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Analytics App Tracking SDK
           Install path: extras/google/analytics_sdk_v2
id: 205 or "extra-google-auto"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto Desktop Head Unit emulator, revision 1.1
           By Google Inc.
           Head unit emulator for developers targeting the Android Auto
           Install path: extras/google/auto
id: 206 or "extra-google-gcm"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Cloud Messaging for Android Library, revision 3 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           GCM library has been moved to Google Play Services
           ( and this standalone version is no
           longer supported
           Install path: extras/google/gcm
id: 207 or "extra-google-google_play_services_froyo"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play services for Froyo, revision 12 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play services client library and sample code
           Install path: extras/google/google_play_services_froyo
id: 208 or "extra-google-google_play_services"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play services, revision 49
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play services Javadocs and sample code
           Install path: extras/google/google_play_services
id: 209 or "extra-google-instantapps"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Instant Development SDK, revision 1.6
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play Instant Development SDK
           Install path: extras/google/instantapps
id: 210 or "extra-google-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Repository, revision 58
           By Google Inc.
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/google/m2repository
id: 211 or "extra-google-market_apk_expansion"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play APK Expansion library, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Market APK Expansion library
           Install path: extras/google/market_apk_expansion
id: 212 or "extra-google-market_licensing"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Licensing Library, revision 1
           By google
           Android Market Licensing client library
           Install path: extras/google/market_licensing
id: 213 or "extra-google-simulators"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto API Simulators, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Auto API testing simulators
           Install path: extras/google/simulators
id: 214 or "extra-google-webdriver"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Web Driver, revision 2
           By Google Inc.
           Install path: extras/google/webdriver
Refresh Sources:
  Validate XML
  Parse XML
  Fetched Add-ons List successfully
  Refresh Sources
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
  Fetching URL:
  Validate XML:
  Parse XML:
Packages available for installation or update: 214
id: 1 or "tools"
     Type: Tool
     Desc: Android SDK Tools, revision 25.2.5
id: 2 or "platform-tools"
     Type: PlatformTool
     Desc: Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 28.0.1
id: 3 or "build-tools-28.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28.0.3
id: 4 or "build-tools-28.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28.0.2
id: 5 or "build-tools-28.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28.0.1
id: 6 or "build-tools-28.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 28
id: 7 or "build-tools-27.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27.0.3
id: 8 or "build-tools-27.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27.0.2
id: 9 or "build-tools-27.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27.0.1
id: 10 or "build-tools-27.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 27
id: 11 or "build-tools-26.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26.0.3
id: 12 or "build-tools-26.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26.0.2
id: 13 or "build-tools-26.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26.0.1
id: 14 or "build-tools-26.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 26
id: 15 or "build-tools-25.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25.0.3
id: 16 or "build-tools-25.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25.0.2
id: 17 or "build-tools-25.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25.0.1
id: 18 or "build-tools-25.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 25
id: 19 or "build-tools-24.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24.0.3
id: 20 or "build-tools-24.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24.0.2
id: 21 or "build-tools-24.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24.0.1
id: 22 or "build-tools-24.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24
id: 23 or "build-tools-23.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23.0.3
id: 24 or "build-tools-23.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23.0.2
id: 25 or "build-tools-23.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23.0.1
id: 26 or "build-tools-23.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 23 (Obsolete)
id: 27 or "build-tools-22.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 22.0.1
id: 28 or "build-tools-22.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 22 (Obsolete)
id: 29 or "build-tools-21.1.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1.2
id: 30 or "build-tools-21.1.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1.1 (Obsolete)
id: 31 or "build-tools-21.1.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1 (Obsolete)
id: 32 or "build-tools-21.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.0.2 (Obsolete)
id: 33 or "build-tools-21.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.0.1 (Obsolete)
id: 34 or "build-tools-21.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21 (Obsolete)
id: 35 or "build-tools-20.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 20
id: 36 or "build-tools-19.1.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.1
id: 37 or "build-tools-19.0.3"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.3 (Obsolete)
id: 38 or "build-tools-19.0.2"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.2 (Obsolete)
id: 39 or "build-tools-19.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.1 (Obsolete)
id: 40 or "build-tools-19.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19 (Obsolete)
id: 41 or "build-tools-18.1.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.1.1 (Obsolete)
id: 42 or "build-tools-18.1.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.1 (Obsolete)
id: 43 or "build-tools-18.0.1"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.0.1 (Obsolete)
id: 44 or "build-tools-17.0.0"
     Type: BuildTool
     Desc: Android SDK Build-tools, revision 17 (Obsolete)
id: 45 or "doc-24"
     Type: Doc
     Desc: Documentation for Android SDK, API 24, revision 1
id: 46 or "android-28"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 28
           Revision 6
id: 47 or "android-27"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 27
           Revision 3
id: 48 or "android-26"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 26
           Revision 2
id: 49 or "android-25"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 25
           Revision 3
id: 50 or "android-24"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 24
           Revision 2
id: 51 or "android-23"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 23
           Revision 3
id: 52 or "android-22"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 22
           Revision 2
id: 53 or "android-21"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 21
           Revision 2
id: 54 or "android-20"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 20
           Revision 2
id: 55 or "android-19"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 19
           Revision 4
id: 56 or "android-18"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 18
           Revision 3
id: 57 or "android-17"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 17
           Revision 3
id: 58 or "android-16"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 16
           Revision 5
id: 59 or "android-15"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 15
           Revision 5
id: 60 or "android-14"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 14
           Revision 4
id: 61 or "android-13"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 13
           Revision 1
id: 62 or "android-12"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 12
           Revision 3
id: 63 or "android-11"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 11
           Revision 2
id: 64 or "android-10"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 10
           Revision 2
id: 65 or "android-9"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 9
           Revision 2
id: 66 or "android-8"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 8
           Revision 3
id: 67 or "android-7"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 7
           Revision 3
id: 68 or "android-6"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 6
           Revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 69 or "android-5"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 5
           Revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 70 or "android-4"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 4
           Revision 3 (Obsolete)
id: 71 or "android-3"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 3
           Revision 4 (Obsolete)
id: 72 or "android-2"
     Type: Platform
     Desc: Android SDK Platform 2
           Revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 73 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 74 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Wear OS Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 75 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 76 or "sys-img-x86-android-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 77 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis_playstore-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 78 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 79 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 80 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-28"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 28
id: 81 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 82 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 83 or "sys-img-x86-android-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 84 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 85 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-27"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 27
id: 86 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 11
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 87 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 88 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 89 or "sys-img-x86-android-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 90 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 91 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 12
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 92 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-26"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 12
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 26
id: 93 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 13
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 94 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-wear-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 95 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 96 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 97 or "sys-img-x86-android-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 98 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 9
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 99 or "sys-img-arm64-v8a-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM 64 v8a System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 100 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 101 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 102 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-25"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 15
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 25
id: 103 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 19
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 104 or "sys-img-arm64-v8a-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM 64 v8a System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 105 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 7
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 106 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 107 or "sys-img-x86-android-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 8
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 108 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis_playstore-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 19
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 109 or "sys-img-arm64-v8a-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM 64 v8a System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 110 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 111 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 112 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-24"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 24
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 113 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-tv-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 12
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 114 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 17
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 115 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-wear-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 116 or "sys-img-x86-android-wear-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 117 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 10
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 118 or "sys-img-x86-android-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 10
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 119 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 30
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 120 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 30
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 121 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-23"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 30
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 122 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 123 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 2
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 124 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 125 or "sys-img-x86-android-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 126 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 23
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 127 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 23
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 128 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-22"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 23
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 129 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-tv-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 130 or "sys-img-x86-android-tv-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 131 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 132 or "sys-img-x86_64-android-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 133 or "sys-img-x86-android-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 134 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 29
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 135 or "sys-img-x86_64-google_apis-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
           Revision 29
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 136 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-21"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 29
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 137 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 138 or "sys-img-x86-android-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 139 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 37
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 140 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-19"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 37
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 141 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 142 or "sys-img-x86-android-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 3
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 143 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 144 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-18"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 145 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 146 or "sys-img-x86-android-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 147 or "sys-img-mips-android-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: MIPS System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 148 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 149 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-17"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 150 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 151 or "sys-img-x86-android-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 6
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 152 or "sys-img-mips-android-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: MIPS System Image
           Revision 1
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 153 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-16"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 154 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 155 or "sys-img-x86-android-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 156 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 157 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-15"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 158 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-14"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 2
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 14
id: 159 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 160 or "sys-img-x86-android-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 4
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 161 or "sys-img-armeabi-v7a-google_apis-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 162 or "sys-img-x86-google_apis-10"
     Type: SystemImage
     Desc: Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
           Revision 5
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 163 or "addon-google_apis-google-24"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 24, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 24
id: 164 or "addon-google_apis-google-23"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 23, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 23
id: 165 or "addon-google_apis-google-22"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 22, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 22
id: 166 or "addon-google_apis-google-21"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 21, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 21
id: 167 or "addon-google_apis-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 19, revision 20
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 168 or "addon-google_gdk-google-19"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Glass Development Kit Preview, Android API 19, revision 11
           By Google Inc.
           Preview of the Glass Development Kit
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 19
id: 169 or "addon-google_apis-google-18"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 18, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 18
id: 170 or "addon-google_apis-google-17"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 17, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 17
id: 171 or "addon-google_apis-google-16"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 16, revision 4
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 16
id: 172 or "addon-google_apis-google-15"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 15, revision 3
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 15
id: 173 or "addon-google_apis-google-14"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 14, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 14
id: 174 or "addon-google_apis-google-13"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 13, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 13
id: 175 or "addon-google_tv_addon-google-13"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google TV Addon, Android API 13, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 13
id: 176 or "addon-google_apis-google-12"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 12, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 12
id: 177 or "addon-google_tv_addon-google-12"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google TV Addon, Android API 12, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 12
id: 178 or "addon-google_apis-google-11"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 11, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 11
id: 179 or "addon-google_apis-google-10"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 10, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 10
id: 180 or "addon-google_apis-google-9"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 9, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 9
id: 181 or "addon-google_apis-google-8"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 8, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 8
id: 182 or "addon-google_apis-google-7"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 7, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 7
id: 183 or "addon-google_apis-google-6"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 6, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 6
id: 184 or "addon-google_apis-google-5"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 5, revision 1 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 5
id: 185 or "addon-google_apis-google-4"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 4, revision 2 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 4
id: 186 or "addon-google_apis-google-3"
     Type: Addon
     Desc: Google APIs, Android API 3, revision 3 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Android + Google APIs
           Requires SDK Platform Android API 3
id: 187 or "source-28"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 28, revision 1
id: 188 or "source-27"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 27, revision 1
id: 189 or "source-26"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 26, revision 1
id: 190 or "source-25"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 25, revision 1
id: 191 or "source-24"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 24, revision 1
id: 192 or "source-23"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 23, revision 1
id: 193 or "source-22"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 22, revision 1
id: 194 or "source-21"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 21, revision 1
id: 195 or "source-20"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 20, revision 1
id: 196 or "source-19"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 19, revision 2
id: 197 or "source-18"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 18, revision 1
id: 198 or "source-17"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 17, revision 1
id: 199 or "source-16"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 16, revision 2
id: 200 or "source-15"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 15, revision 2
id: 201 or "source-14"
     Type: Source
     Desc: Sources for Android SDK, API 14, revision 1 (Obsolete)
id: 202 or "extra-android-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Support Repository, revision 47
           By Android
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/android/m2repository
id: 203 or "extra-google-admob_ads_sdk"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google AdMob Ads SDK, revision 11 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           AdMob Ads SDK
           Install path: extras/google/admob_ads_sdk
id: 204 or "extra-google-analytics_sdk_v2"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Analytics App Tracking SDK, revision 3 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Analytics App Tracking SDK
           Install path: extras/google/analytics_sdk_v2
id: 205 or "extra-google-auto"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto Desktop Head Unit emulator, revision 1.1
           By Google Inc.
           Head unit emulator for developers targeting the Android Auto
           Install path: extras/google/auto
id: 206 or "extra-google-gcm"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Cloud Messaging for Android Library, revision 3 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           GCM library has been moved to Google Play Services
           ( and this standalone version is no
           longer supported
           Install path: extras/google/gcm
id: 207 or "extra-google-google_play_services_froyo"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play services for Froyo, revision 12 (Obsolete)
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play services client library and sample code
           Install path: extras/google/google_play_services_froyo
id: 208 or "extra-google-google_play_services"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play services, revision 49
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play services Javadocs and sample code
           Install path: extras/google/google_play_services
id: 209 or "extra-google-instantapps"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Instant Development SDK, revision 1.6
           By Google Inc.
           Google Play Instant Development SDK
           Install path: extras/google/instantapps
id: 210 or "extra-google-m2repository"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Repository, revision 58
           By Google Inc.
           Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
           Install path: extras/google/m2repository
id: 211 or "extra-google-market_apk_expansion"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play APK Expansion library, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Market APK Expansion library
           Install path: extras/google/market_apk_expansion
id: 212 or "extra-google-market_licensing"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Play Licensing Library, revision 1
           By google
           Android Market Licensing client library
           Install path: extras/google/market_licensing
id: 213 or "extra-google-simulators"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Android Auto API Simulators, revision 1
           By Google Inc.
           Android Auto API testing simulators
           Install path: extras/google/simulators
id: 214 or "extra-google-webdriver"
     Type: Extra
     Desc: Google Web Driver, revision 2
           By Google Inc.
           Install path: extras/google/webdriver

# Check that aidl can be executed
# Search for Aidl
# Run '/home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk-23/build-tools/28.0.3/aidl'
# Cwd None
# Android packages installation done.
# Check application requirements
# Check garden requirements
# Compile platform
# Run '/usr/bin/python3 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain create --dist_name=tv --bootstrap=sdl2 --requirements=python3,kivy --arch armeabi-v7a --copy-libs --color=always --storage-dir="/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build" --ndk-api=22'
# Cwd /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android/
[INFO]:    Will compile for the following archs: armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Found Android API target in $ANDROIDAPI: 26
[INFO]:    Available Android APIs are (26, 27, 28)
[INFO]:    Requested API target 26 is available, continuing.
[INFO]:    Found NDK dir in $ANDROIDNDK: /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b
[INFO]:    Got NDK version from $ANDROIDNDKVER: r17b
[INFO]:    Getting NDK API version (i.e. minimum supported API) from user argument
[INFO]:    Using Google NDK r17b
[INFO]:    Found virtualenv at /home/gabriel/.local/bin/virtualenv
[INFO]:    Found the following toolchain versions: ['4.9']
[INFO]:    Picking the latest gcc toolchain, here 4.9
[INFO]:    No existing dists meet the given requirements!
[INFO]:    No dist exists that meets your requirements, so one will be built.
[INFO]:    Found a single valid recipe set: ['hostpython3', 'sdl2_image', 'sdl2_mixer', 'sdl2_ttf', 'python3', 'sdl2', 'six', 'pyjnius', 'kivy']
[INFO]:    The selected bootstrap is sdl2
[INFO]:    # Creating dist with sdl2 bootstrap
[INFO]:    Dist will have name tv and recipes (python3, kivy)
[INFO]:    Dist will also contain modules () installed from pip
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Recipe build order is ['hostpython3', 'sdl2_image', 'sdl2_mixer', 'sdl2_ttf', 'python3', 'sdl2', 'six', 'pyjnius', 'kivy']
[INFO]:    # Downloading recipes 
[INFO]:    Downloading hostpython3
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/hostpython3
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/hostpython3
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f .mark-Python-3.7.1.tgz                                                                                                                                                                                            
[INFO]:    Downloading hostpython3 from
[INFO]:    -> running touch .mark-Python-3.7.1.tgz
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2_image
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_image
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_image
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f .mark-SDL2_image-2.0.1.tar.gz                                                                                                                                                                                     
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2_image from
[INFO]:    -> running touch .mark-SDL2_image-2.0.1.tar.gz
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2_mixer
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_mixer
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_mixer
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f .mark-SDL2_mixer-2.0.1.tar.gz                                                                                                                                                                                     
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2_mixer from
[INFO]:    -> running touch .mark-SDL2_mixer-2.0.1.tar.gz
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2_ttf
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_ttf
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_ttf
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f .mark-SDL2_ttf-2.0.14.tar.gz                                                                                                                          
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2_ttf from
[INFO]:    -> running touch .mark-SDL2_ttf-2.0.14.tar.gz
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading python3
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/python3
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/python3
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f .mark-Python-3.7.1.tgz                                                                                                                                
[INFO]:    Downloading python3 from
[INFO]:    -> running touch .mark-Python-3.7.1.tgz
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f .mark-SDL2-2.0.4.tar.gz                                                                                                                               
[INFO]:    Downloading sdl2 from
[INFO]:    -> running touch .mark-SDL2-2.0.4.tar.gz
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading six
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/six
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/six
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f .mark-six-1.9.0.tar.gz                                                                                                                                
[INFO]:    Downloading six from
[INFO]:    -> running touch .mark-six-1.9.0.tar.gz
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading pyjnius
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/pyjnius
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/pyjnius
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f                                                                                                                                       
[INFO]:    Downloading pyjnius from
[INFO]:    -> running touch
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Downloading kivy
[INFO]:    -> running mkdir -p /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/kivy
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/kivy
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> running rm -f                                                                                                                                      
[INFO]:    Downloading kivy from
[INFO]:    -> running touch
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    # Building all recipes for arch armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    # Unpacking recipes
[INFO]:    Unpacking hostpython3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop                                                                
[INFO]:    -> running tar tf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/hostpython3/Python-3.7.1.tgz
[INFO]:    -> running mv Python-3.7.1 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3                                              
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking sdl2_image for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni                                                               
[INFO]:    -> running tar tf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_image/SDL2_image-2.0.1.tar.gz
[INFO]:    -> running mv SDL2_image-2.0.1 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_image                                          
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking sdl2_mixer for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni                                                               
[INFO]:    -> running tar tf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_mixer/SDL2_mixer-2.0.1.tar.gz
[INFO]:    -> running mv SDL2_mixer-2.0.1 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_mixer                                          
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking sdl2_ttf for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni                                                               
[INFO]:    -> running tar tf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2_ttf/SDL2_ttf-2.0.14.tar.gz
[INFO]:    -> running mv SDL2_ttf-2.0.14 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_ttf                                             
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking python3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22                                                 
[INFO]:    -> running tar tf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/python3/Python-3.7.1.tgz
[INFO]:    -> running mv Python-3.7.1 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3                                   
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking sdl2 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni                                                               
[INFO]:    -> running tar tf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/sdl2/SDL2-2.0.4.tar.gz
[INFO]:    -> running mv SDL2-2.0.4 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL                                                       
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking six for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/six-python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22                                             
[INFO]:    -> running tar tf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/packages/six/six-1.9.0.tar.gz
[INFO]:    -> running mv six-1.9.0 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/six-python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/six                                      
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking pyjnius for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22                                    
[INFO]:    -> running mv pyjnius-1.1.3 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/pyjnius
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Unpacking kivy for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running basename
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/kivy-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22                                       
[INFO]:    -> running mv kivy-1.10.1 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/kivy-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/kivy
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    # Prebuilding recipes
[INFO]:    Prebuilding hostpython3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    hostpython3 has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding sdl2_image for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    sdl2_image has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Applying patches for sdl2_image[armeabi-v7a]
[INFO]:    Applying patch toggle_jpg_png_webp.patch
[INFO]:    -> running patch -t -d /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_image -p1 -i /home/gabriel/d...(and 83 more)
[INFO]:    Applying patch extra_cflags.patch                                                                                                                                      
[INFO]:    -> running patch -t -d /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_image -p1 -i /home/gabriel/d...(and 76 more)
[INFO]:    Applying patch fix_with_ndk_15_plus.patch                                                                                                                              
[INFO]:    -> running patch -t -d /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_image -p1 -i /home/gabriel/d...(and 84 more)
[INFO]:    -> running touch /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_image/.patched                                               
[INFO]:    Prebuilding sdl2_mixer for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    sdl2_mixer has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Applying patches for sdl2_mixer[armeabi-v7a]
[INFO]:    Applying patch toggle_modplug_mikmod_smpeg_ogg.patch
[INFO]:    -> running patch -t -d /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_mixer -p1 -i /home/gabriel/d...(and 95 more)
[INFO]:    -> running touch /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_mixer/.patched                                               
[INFO]:    Prebuilding sdl2_ttf for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    sdl2_ttf has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding python3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    python3 has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding sdl2 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    sdl2 has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Applying patches for sdl2[armeabi-v7a]
[INFO]:    Applying patch add_nativeSetEnv.patch
[INFO]:    -> running patch -t -d /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL -p1 -i /home/gabriel/dev/pyth...(and 67 more)
[INFO]:    -> running touch /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL/.patched                                                      
[INFO]:    Prebuilding six for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    six has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Prebuilding pyjnius for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    pyjnius has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    Applying patches for pyjnius[armeabi-v7a]
[INFO]:    Applying patch sdl2_jnienv_getter.patch
[INFO]:    -> running patch -t -d /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/pyjniu...(and 103 more)
[INFO]:    -> running touch /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/pyjnius/.patched                       
[INFO]:    Prebuilding kivy for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    kivy has no prebuild_armeabi_v7a, skipping
[INFO]:    # Building recipes
[INFO]:    Building hostpython3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/native-build
[INFO]:    -> running configure
[INFO]:    <- directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3                                                    
[INFO]:    -> running cp Modules/Setup.dist /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/native-build/Modules/Setup
[INFO]:    -> running make -C /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/native-build
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android                                                                                                              
[INFO]:    Building sdl2_image for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Building sdl2_mixer for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Building sdl2_ttf for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Building python3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build
[WARNING]: Doing some hacky stuff to link properly
[INFO]:    -> running cp /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/platforms/android-22/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_so.o ./
[INFO]:    -> running cp /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/platforms/android-22/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtend_so.o ./
[INFO]:    -> running configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --enable-shared --disable-ipv6 ac_cv_file__dev_ptmx=yes ac_cv_...(and 112 more)
[INFO]:    -> running make all                                                                                                                                                    
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android                                                                                                              
[INFO]:    Building sdl2 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni
[INFO]:    -> running ndk-build V=1
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android                                                                                                              
[INFO]:    Building six for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    six apparently isn't already in site-packages
[INFO]:    Installing six into site-packages
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/six-python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/six
[INFO]:    -> running python install -O2 --root=/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv --install-lib=.
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android                                                                                                              
[INFO]:    Building pyjnius for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    jnius apparently isn't already in site-packages
[INFO]:    Cythonizing anything necessary in pyjnius
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/pyjnius
[INFO]:    -> running python -c import sys; print(sys.path)
[INFO]:    Trying first build of pyjnius to get cython files: this is expected to fail                                                                                            
[INFO]:    -> running python build_ext -v
cwd is /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/pyjnius
Exception in thread background thread for pid 20774:                                                                                                                              
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 864, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/home/gabriel/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 2170, in background_thread
  File "/home/gabriel/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 1929, in fn
    return self.command.handle_command_exit_code(exit_code)
  File "/home/gabriel/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 672, in handle_command_exit_code
    raise exc

  RAN: /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/native-build/python build_ext -v

/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/Lib/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
running build_ext
building 'jnius' extension
creating build
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/jnius
/usr/bin/ccache arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -DANDROID -mandroid -fomit-frame-pointer -D__ANDROID_API__=22 -isystem /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot/usr/include/arm-linux-androideabi -isysroot /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv/include/python3.7 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -DANDROID -mandroid -fomit-frame-pointer -D__ANDROID_API__=22 -isystem /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot/usr/include/arm-linux-androideabi -isysroot /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv/include/python3.7 -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp -mthumb -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/Include -fPIC -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/Include -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/native-build -c jnius/jnius.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/jnius/jnius.o
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: error: jnius/jnius.c: No such file or directory
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
error: command '/usr/bin/ccache' failed with exit status 1


[INFO]:    pyjnius first build failed (as expected)
[INFO]:    Running cython where appropriate
[INFO]:    Cythonize jnius/jnius.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./jnius/jnius.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running python build_ext -v

[INFO]:    Stripping object files                                                                                                                                                 
[INFO]:    -> running find . -iname *.so -exec /usr/bin/echo {} ;
[INFO]:    -> running find . -iname *.so -exec arm-linux-androideabi-strip --strip-unneeded {} ;                                                                                  
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Installing pyjnius into site-packages
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/pyjnius
[INFO]:    -> running python install -O2 --root=/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv --install-lib=.
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android                                                                                                              
[INFO]:    Building kivy for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    kivy apparently isn't already in site-packages
[INFO]:    Cythonizing anything necessary in kivy
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/kivy-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/kivy
[INFO]:    -> running python -c import sys; print(sys.path)
[INFO]:    Trying first build of kivy to get cython files: this is expected to fail                                                                                               
[INFO]:    -> running python build_ext -v
cwd is /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/kivy-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/kivy
Exception in thread background thread for pid 20836:                                                                                                                              
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 864, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/home/gabriel/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 2170, in background_thread
  File "/home/gabriel/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 1929, in fn
    return self.command.handle_command_exit_code(exit_code)
  File "/home/gabriel/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 672, in handle_command_exit_code
    raise exc

  RAN: /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/native-build/python build_ext -v

Using distutils
Environ change use_sdl2 -> True

Cython check avoided.
Using this graphics system: OpenGL ES 2
SDL2 found via pkg-config
SDL2: found SDL header at /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL/include/SDL.h
SDL2: found SDL_mixer header at /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_mixer/SDL_mixer.h
SDL2: found SDL_ttf header at /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_ttf/SDL_ttf.h
SDL2: found SDL_image header at /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3/jni/SDL2_image/SDL_image.h
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/Lib/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'dependency_links'
 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/Lib/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/Lib/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'extra_requires'
 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/Lib/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'setup_requires'
running build_ext
Build configuration is:
 * use_rpi = 0
 * use_mali = 0
 * use_egl = 0
 * use_opengl_es2 = 1
 * use_opengl_mock = 0
 * use_sdl2 = 1
 * use_ios = 0
 * use_mesagl = 0
 * use_x11 = 0
 * use_wayland = 0
 * use_gstreamer = 0
 * use_avfoundation = 0
 * use_osx_frameworks = 0
 * debug_gl = 0
 * debug = False
Updated kivy/include/config.h
Updated kivy/include/config.pxi
Updated kivy/
Detected compiler is unix
building 'kivy._event' extension
creating build
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7
creating build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/kivy
/usr/bin/ccache arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -DANDROID -mandroid -fomit-frame-pointer -D__ANDROID_API__=22 -isystem /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot/usr/include/arm-linux-androideabi -isysroot /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv/include/python3.7 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -DANDROID -mandroid -fomit-frame-pointer -D__ANDROID_API__=22 -isystem /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot/usr/include/arm-linux-androideabi -isysroot /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b/sysroot -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv/include/python3.7 -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp -mthumb -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/Include -fPIC -Ikivy/include -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/Include -I/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/hostpython3/desktop/hostpython3/native-build -c kivy/_event.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/kivy/_event.o
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: error: kivy/_event.c: No such file or directory
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
 error: command '/usr/bin/ccache' failed with exit status 1


[INFO]:    kivy first build failed (as expected)
[INFO]:    Running cython where appropriate
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/_event.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/_event.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/properties.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/properties.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/_clock.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/_clock.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/weakproxy.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/weakproxy.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/fbo.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/fbo.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/stencil_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/stencil_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/buffer.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/buffer.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/opengl_utils.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/opengl_utils.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/context_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/context_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/vertex_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/vertex_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/shader.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/shader.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/texture.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/texture.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/gl_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/gl_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/svg.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/svg.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/transformation.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/transformation.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/tesselator.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/tesselator.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/cgl.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/cgl.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/scissor_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/scissor_instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/vertex.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/vertex.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/instructions.pyx

[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/vbo.pyx                                                                                                                                        
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/vbo.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/opengl.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/opengl.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/compiler.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/compiler.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/context.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/context.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_gl.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_gl.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_debug.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_debug.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_mock.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_mock.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_glew.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_glew.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/lib/vidcore_lite/egl.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/lib/vidcore_lite/egl.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/lib/vidcore_lite/bcm.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/lib/vidcore_lite/bcm.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/lib/gstplayer/_gstplayer.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/lib/gstplayer/_gstplayer.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/window/_window_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/window/_window_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/window/window_info.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/window/window_info.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/image/img_imageio.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/image/img_imageio.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/image/_img_sdl2.pyx                                                                                                                                
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/image/_img_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/camera/camera_avfoundation.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/camera/camera_avfoundation.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/audio/audio_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/audio/audio_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/text/text_layout.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/text/text_layout.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/text/_text_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/text/_text_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    Cythonize kivy/core/clipboard/_clipboard_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    -> running cython ./kivy/core/clipboard/_clipboard_sdl2.pyx
[INFO]:    -> directory context .
[INFO]:    <- directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/kivy-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/kivy
[INFO]:    -> running python build_ext -v
[INFO]:    Stripping object files                                                                                                                                                 
[INFO]:    -> running find . -iname *.so -exec /usr/bin/echo {} ;
[INFO]:    -> running find . -iname *.so -exec arm-linux-androideabi-strip --strip-unneeded {} ;                                                                                  
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Installing kivy into site-packages
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/kivy-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/kivy
[INFO]:    -> running python install -O2 --root=/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv --install-lib=.
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android                                                                                                              
[INFO]:    # Biglinking object files
[INFO]:    Collating object files from each recipe
[INFO]:    hostpython3 recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping
[INFO]:    sdl2_image recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping
[INFO]:    sdl2_mixer recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping
[INFO]:    sdl2_ttf recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping
[INFO]:    python3 recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping
[INFO]:    sdl2 recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping
[INFO]:    six recipe has no biglinkable files dir, skipping
[INFO]:    pyjnius recipe has no biglinkable files, skipping
[INFO]:    kivy recipe has no biglinkable files, skipping
[INFO]:    There seem to be no libraries to biglink, skipping.
[INFO]:    # Postbuilding recipes
[INFO]:    Postbuilding hostpython3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Postbuilding sdl2_image for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Postbuilding sdl2_mixer for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Postbuilding sdl2_ttf for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Postbuilding python3 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Postbuilding sdl2 for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Postbuilding six for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Postbuilding pyjnius for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Copying pyjnius java class to classes build dir
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/pyjnius-python3-sdl2/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/pyjnius
[INFO]:    -> running cp -a jnius/src/org /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/javaclasses/tv
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Postbuilding kivy for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    # Installing pure Python modules
[INFO]:    There are no Python modules to install, skipping
[INFO]:    # Creating Android project (sdl2)
[INFO]:    Copying SDL2/gradle build for armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    -> running rm -rf /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
[INFO]:    -> running cp -r /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/bootstrap_builds/sdl2-python3 /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
[INFO]:    Copying Python distribution
[INFO]:    Copying libs
[INFO]:    Copying java files
[INFO]:    -> running cp -a /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/javaclasses/tv src/main/java
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 139 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 133 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 128 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 128 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 129 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 129 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 133 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 130 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 139 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 129 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 134 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 129 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 130 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 135 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 130 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 135 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 134 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 129 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 136 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 135 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 139 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 134 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 134 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 129 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 136 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 132 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 128 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 128 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 136 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 140 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 135 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 132 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 130 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 133 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 132 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 130 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 134 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 143 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 128 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 140 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 132 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 131 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/build/...(and 135 more)
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/Lib
[INFO]:    -> running zip /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/ ./ ./ ./...(and 11903 more)
[INFO]:    <- directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv                                                                                              
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/python-installs/tv
[INFO]:    <- directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/libpyt...(and 27 more)
[INFO]:    -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/build/other_builds/python3/armeabi-v7a__ndk_target_22/python3/android-build/libpyt...(and 31 more)
[INFO]:    Renaming .so files to reflect cross-compile
[INFO]:    -> running find /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages -iname *.so
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius/jnius.cpython-37m-x86_6...(and 126 more)          
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/_clock.cpython-37m-x86_6...(and 126 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/_event.cpython-37m-x86_6...(and 126 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/texture.cpython...(and 146 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/vbo.cpython-37m...(and 138 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl.cpython-37m...(and 138 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/gl_instructions...(and 162 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/scissor_instruc...(and 172 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/context_instruc...(and 172 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl...(and 172 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl...(and 168 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl...(and 172 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl...(and 172 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl_backend/cgl...(and 174 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/opengl.cpython-...(and 144 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/fbo.cpython-37m...(and 138 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/shader.cpython-...(and 144 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/vertex.cpython-...(and 144 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/stencil_instruc...(and 172 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/instructions.cp...(and 156 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/svg.cpython-37m...(and 138 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/buffer.cpython-...(and 144 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/compiler.cpytho...(and 148 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/tesselator.cpyt...(and 152 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/context.cpython...(and 146 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/opengl_utils.cp...(and 156 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/vertex_instruct...(and 170 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/transformation....(and 160 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/window/window_info....(and 160 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/window/_window_sdl2...(and 162 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/image/_img_sdl2.cpy...(and 154 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/audio/audio_sdl2.cp...(and 156 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/text/_text_sdl2.cpy...(and 154 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/text/text_layout.cp...(and 156 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/clipboard/_clipboar...(and 174 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/properties.cpython-37m-x...(and 134 more)
[INFO]:    -> running mv /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/weakproxy.cpython-37m-x8...(and 132 more)
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    Stripping libraries
[INFO]:    -> running find /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/modules /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/plat...(and 36 more)
[INFO]:    Stripping libraries in private dir                                                                                                                                     
[INFO]:    Frying eggs in /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
[INFO]:    Saving distribution info
[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    # Your distribution was created successfully, exiting.
[INFO]:    Dist can be found at (for now) /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
# Build the application #1
# Copy application source from /tmp/tvpy
# Create directory /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/app
# Copy /tmp/tvpy/
# Package the application
# updated
# Gradle project detected, copy files /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/src/main/java
# Run '/usr/bin/python3 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain apk --debug --bootstrap=sdl2 --dist_name tv --name TV --version 0.1 --package --android_api 26 --minsdk 22 --private /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/app --permission INTERNET --orientation portrait --window --copy-libs --arch armeabi-v7a --color=always --storage-dir="/tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build" --ndk-api=22'
# Cwd /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android/
[INFO]:    Will compile for the following archs: armeabi-v7a
[INFO]:    Getting Android API version from user argument: 26
[INFO]:    Available Android APIs are (26, 27, 28)
[INFO]:    Requested API target 26 is available, continuing.
[INFO]:    Found NDK dir in $ANDROIDNDK: /home/gabriel/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r17b
[INFO]:    Got NDK version from $ANDROIDNDKVER: r17b
[INFO]:    Getting NDK API version (i.e. minimum supported API) from user argument
[INFO]:    Using Google NDK r17b
[INFO]:    Found virtualenv at /home/gabriel/.local/bin/virtualenv
[INFO]:    Found the following toolchain versions: ['4.9']
[INFO]:    Picking the latest gcc toolchain, here 4.9
[INFO]:    Of the existing distributions, the following meet the given requirements:
[INFO]:     tv: min API 22, includes recipes (hostpython3, sdl2_image, sdl2_mixer, sdl2_ttf, python3, sdl2, six, pyjnius, kivy), built for archs (armeabi-v7a)
[INFO]:    tv has compatible recipes, using this one
[INFO]:    Of the existing distributions, the following meet the given requirements:
[INFO]:     tv: min API 22, includes recipes (hostpython3, sdl2_image, sdl2_mixer, sdl2_ttf, python3, sdl2, six, pyjnius, kivy), built for archs (armeabi-v7a)
[INFO]:    tv has compatible recipes, using this one
[INFO]:    -> directory context /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv
[INFO]:    Selecting java build tool:
[INFO]:    Detected highest available build tools version to be 28.0.3
[INFO]:        Building with gradle, as gradle executable is present
[DEBUG]:   -> running dos2unix ./gradlew
[DEBUG]:    dos2unix: conversion du fichier ./gradlew au format Unix…
[DEBUG]:   -> running gradlew assembleDebug
[DEBUG]:    > Task :compileDebugJavaWithJavac 
[DEBUG]:    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[DEBUG]:    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[DEBUG]:    27 actionable tasks: 27 executed

[INFO]:    <- directory context /home/gabriel/dev/python-for-android
[INFO]:    # Copying APK to current directory
[INFO]:    # APK filename not found in build output. Guessing...
[INFO]:    # Found APK file: /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/build/outputs/apk/debug/tv-debug.apk
[INFO]:    # Add version number to APK
[INFO]:    # APK renamed to tv-0.1-debug.apk
[DEBUG]:   -> running cp /tmp/tvpy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/tv/build/outputs/apk/debug/tv-debug.apk tv-0.1-debug.apk
Could not find hostpython, will not compile to .pyo (this is normal with python3)
WARNING: Received a --sdk argument, but this argument is deprecated and does nothing.
No compiled python is present to zip, skipping.
this should only be the case if you are using the CrystaX python
Zen-CODE commented 5 years ago

@tshirtman. Although the errors messages are similar, I doubt they have the same cause. Our error message is literally "", with the X's and not numbers. The fact that yours includes a number implies to me it occurs in a different place? Anyway, for us, this message was almost certainly OS related e.g. it occurred only on a phone with an older OS, so I don't think it relevant any more. Ours was using python2 only (not deploying 3 yet).

So I am going to close this as I think you would be better served creating a new ticket? My info here will only serve to obscure yours....;-)

tshirtman commented 5 years ago

I cleaned up, got out of my kivy venv, upgraded pip and setuptools, and rebuilt, i now have a different error, i think it's trying to build things it wasn't before, hopefully when i get through i won't have this bug.

atheistrepublic commented 4 years ago

I have created my application using buildozer.And everything works fine.But the moment i replace:

1)" = myapp" to " = anoop" 2)"package.domain = org.test" to "package.domain = org.singh" in the .spec file the app crashes on my andoid with the error "An error occured while trying to start the application.Please try again and/or reinstall. Error: Could not load any".

Note that the when i run buildozer android debug everything works fine its omly that the app crashes on android. I am attaching the error screenshot.

urbanoTF commented 4 years ago

Same issue here, renamed variables and it broke. I think that something gets cached and you need to delete the .buildozer folder. (Testing it right now)

" = myapp" to " = whatever" "package.domain = org.test" to "package.domain = whatever"