I'm using calfw-org Version on my linux desktop
Source of the views are org-mode agenda views
Rendering periods does mean, that you see information on the
first day and when there is a line-break in the calendar.
1. Question
Is it possible to customize the program, that you also have
this text at the last day of the period ?
First day of the period Last day of the period
|(holidays in london |............|............| holidays in london)|
2. Question
I want to use org-mode to get an overview for bookings of an holiday
resort. It's typical that guests leave the appartements in the morning
and new guests arrive in the afternoon.
Is it possible to tell the programm to display all periods in the
following way (Allways leaving till 12:00 and arriving at 12:00)
Start of period End of Period
| | | | |
| .....(..... | .......... | .......... | .....)...... |
| | | | |
Example, Mr. Miller leaves the appartment. Mr Jones arrives
| | | | |
| ...Mr.Mi | ller)(Mr.Jon | es...| .............. |
| | | | |
| | | | |
I hope that you have a solution for this. Great thanks for your calwf app !
I'm using calfw-org Version on my linux desktop Source of the views are org-mode agenda views