kiwi-cam / homebridge-broadlink-rm

[This fork supports TV accessories] Broadlink RM Mini and Pro plugin for homebridge:
Apache License 2.0
304 stars 96 forks source link

Issues with icon TVs on iOS 14 GM #57

Closed masterfordev closed 4 years ago

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

When i add 2 or more tv for broadlink device i have this error on the homebridge log:

[2020-9-16 20:27:18] One of your plugins incorrectly registered an external accessory using the platform name ([object Object]) and not the plugin identifier. Please report this to the developer!

It should be clarified that if I add only one TV, this does not happen.

And on iOS 14, the Home App dont display the devices as TV, in this case it doesn't matter if I have one or more televisions, never put the TV icon on them (see the screenshot): Screenshot

I hope you can check this issues. Im on homebridge 1.2.2, and plugin 4.3.0. Thanks.

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

This time it worked! I'm sorry!

cool! :D

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

the Audio Receiver icon does not appear in Remote app it still displayed as TV.

I have a feeling I might’ve got a typo in there. I’ll check soon.

Nah, it appears fine in the Home App not the Remote app. its a iOS 14 bug

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Also, if anyone else have not noticed this. the TV accessory window looks much cleaner if you don’t have any inputs before the input area was there without any text but if there are no Inputs it only have a button


masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Yup. That's how I have my TVs. Only the power button with no inputs.

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Yup. That's how I have my TVs. Only the power button with no inputs.

Yeah it looks neat now with only on/off button before there was blank input selector if no inputs were added in iOS 13

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Yup. That's how I have my TVs. Only the power button with no inputs.

Yeah it looks neat now with only on/off button before there was blank input selector if no inputs were added in iOS 13

I don't know what you're talking about. I've always been that way from a long time before.

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Yup. That's how I have my TVs. Only the power button with no inputs.

Yeah it looks neat now with only on/off button before there was blank input selector if no inputs were added in iOS 13

I don't know what you're talking about. I've always been that way from a long time before.

This it what it looked like in iOS 13 with empty input selector if no inputs were added.


masterfordev commented 4 years ago

As I told you, I always had the power button. Without the list of inputs. How did you have your configuration?

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

As I told you, I always had the power button. Without the list of inputs. How did you have your configuration?

Interesting. I didn’t change my config after iOS 14 and the empty input selector disappeared as i had no input config.

                    "name": "Vodafone  TV",
                    "type": "tv",
                    "pingIPAddress": "",
                    "pingIPAddressStateOnly": true,
                    "pingFrequency": 7,
                    "host": "",
                    "disableLogs": true,
                    "data": {
                        "on": "260058000001229214111138133713111337111311131213111311131213111311131238111312121238111312131113111312381113121212131138123811381236131312381138120005c700012a4516000c580001254a11000d050000000000000000000000000000",
                        "off": "260058000001219213131138123812121238111312121213121212121312111312121238121212131138121212131113121213371212121311131138123812371337121213371237120005c70001264a13000c590001274912000d050000000000000000000000000000",
                        "remote": {
                            "select": "2600540000012491141114351436160e1436131114101411131114101411131114101436141014101436141014111336143613111410141113111435143614101411143514361435140002ef0a0002cc0001284913000d050000",
                            "arrowUp": "26005000000123921311143514361410143614101411131114101411131114160e111336141014111435141113361411133614101411131114101436141014361311143613361436130005c50001294615000d05000000000000",
                            "arrowDown": "260050000001288f16111435143614101436141014111311141014111311141014101436141014111311143514361410143614101411131114351411131114361311143514361435140005c50001294714000d05000000000000",
                            "arrowLeft": "260050000001249213111435143614101436141014111311141014111311141014111336141014111336143614351411133614111311141014111311141014361311143514361436130005c50001294417000d05000000000000",
                            "arrowRight": "260050000001249213111435143614101436141014111311141014111311141014111336141014111311141014111336143614101410141114351436143514111311143514361436130005c50001294813000d05000000000000",
                            "back": "260050000001239114111336143613111435141114101410141114101410141114101436131114101411131114101436141014101436141014361435143614101436143514111336140005c50001284814000d05000000000000",
                            "info": "260050000001269114111336143613111435141113111410141113111410141113111436131114101436143514361410141113111435141113111410141113361436133614111336140005c60001274814000d05000000000000",
                            "playPause": "260050000001249114111336143613111435141114101410141114101410141113111436131114101411133614111311143514111336141113361410143614351411143514111336140005c50001284814000d05000000000000"
                        "volume": {
                            "up": "260050000001239213111435143614101436141014111311141014111311141014111336141014111435143614101411131114351411131114101411133614361336141113361436130005c50001294813000d05000000000000",
                            "down": "260050000001239114111336143613111436131213101411131114101411131114101436141014101411141014351411141113361410141014361435141114351436141014361435140005c60001274814000d05000000000000"
masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Looks like the mine :/ I don't know why looked like that with you

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Looks like the mine :/ I don't know why looked like that with you

So it was just me lol. Glad iOS 14 fixed it

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Yeah haha. Its working fine the beta with you?

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Yeah haha. Its working fine the beta with you?

I didn’t install it yet, still using they way i changed the icons one by one after the AccesoryCreator.js file you showed me the other day and then i found a way to remove the first TV that had no icon so all of them are as a seperate bridge like Its now in the beta. And a few weeks ago i changed the Thermostat accessory to HeaterCooler accessory and modified the HumidifierDehumidifier to only Humidifier so didn’t want to mess it up 😀

I first changed the Thermostat to Heat only like Cameron later added into his plugin but I didn’t like its On/off button so I changed it to HeaterCooler that can also have Fan function within it. E4FDFB82-DD1E-4146-A7FB-BB8FAE920012

And this is the humidifier one. 2387EAA0-1A87-4F7A-AD7C-799213DF04FC

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

The HeaterCooler look great!

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Maybe you can add an option like that @kiwi-cam , with HeaterCooler and we can use it with air-conditioners that only allow cool mode. 🤔

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

@Faisalthe01 but with the HeaterCooler, this display the current temperature of the room? for example: can get the sensors in the cable?

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Nevermind, i saw the options is available 😂 i will use it!

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Dont looks like with you 🤔 and you already saw that there is an error in the temperature image? (indicated in red, there is a slight gap) Screenshot

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Dont looks like with you 🤔 and you already saw that there is an error in the temperature image? (indicated in red, there is a slight gap) Screenshot

I think this is how Apple made it too look like. It changes when you turn it on


masterfordev commented 4 years ago

I think I don't explained, I mean that. The line is not continuous. Screenshot

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

And why with you the "heat", "cool", "auto" options are hide? with me not-

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Maybe you can add an option like that @kiwi-cam , with HeaterCooler and we can use it with air-conditioners that only allow cool mode. 🤔

@kiwi-cam Don’t have to convert Thermostat to HeaterCooler if you don’t want to but you can add one more config for Cool Only the same way i did for Heat Only.

Something like this

    if (this.coolOnly) {
            minValue: 0,
            maxValue: 2,
            validValues: [0,2]  

0 is for Off and 2 if for Cool

The other differences between HeaterCooler and Thermostat is that you can turn the accessory on/off without opening the accessory window in home app by simply touching on the tile plus the fan option within the accessory and when you disable other options like cool or auto the button is missing I/0 text in it while it shows in HeaterCooler

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

I think I don't explained, I mean that. The line is not continuous. Screenshot

Yea i saw that i think this is from Apple.

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

And why with you the "heat", "cool", "auto" options are hide? with me not-

Because there is an option to hide them and that’s what i did.

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

I think I don't explained, I mean that. The line is not continuous.


Yea i saw that i think this is from Apple.

I also believe that

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

Maybe you can add an option like that @kiwi-cam , with HeaterCooler and we can use it with air-conditioners that only allow cool mode. 🤔


Don’t have to convert Thermostat to HeaterCooler if you don’t want to but you can add one more config for Cool Only the same way i did for Heat Only.

Something like this

    if (this.coolOnly) {



          minValue: 0,

          maxValue: 2,

          validValues: [0,2]  



0 is for Off and 2 if for Cool

The other differences between HeaterCooler and Thermostat is that you can turn the accessory on/off without opening the accessory window in home app by simply touching on the tile plus the fan option within the accessory and when you disable other options like cool or auto the button is missing I/0 text in it while it shows in HeaterCooler

That would be great for many users like me 😅

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

@Faisalthe01 can show me your config for the HeanOnly? I set this but jt still show me all the options on the Home App.

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

@Faisalthe01 can show me your config for the HeanOnly? I set this but jt still show me all the options on the Home App.

I have it disabled in the aircon.js file not in the config. Add this in your aircon config

heatOnly: true

masterfordev commented 4 years ago

I have the "heatOnly" activated and dont hide cool/auto mode.

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

I have the "heatOnly" activated and dont hide cool/auto mode.

woops my bad, i messed it up but i fixed it just now and did a test.

if you want you can download this and replace it with your aircon.js file. I have also added coolOnly in it as well. so cooOnly : true in your config will force it to work in cool only mode

hey @kiwi-cam, I'm sorry can you do the pull request thing again i made some mistakes but i have corrected them now and also added coolOnly like the heatOnly. Thank you

felixmueller commented 4 years ago

Hello @kiwi-cam, hi everyone,

thank you so much for maintaining this project and keeping up the development for all iOS 14 quirks! 👏

Is there any estimate on when the TV icon fix will make its way into the release version of the plugin?

Keep up the good work!

Best Felix

Faisalthe01 commented 4 years ago

Hello @kiwi-cam, hi everyone,

thank you so much for maintaining this project and keeping up the development for all iOS 14 quirks! 👏

Is there any estimate on when the TV icon fix will make its way into the release version of the plugin?

Keep up the good work!

Best Felix

Install the beta. Icons already fixed

benjaminbogdanovic commented 4 years ago

Anyone having this issue? #62

benjaminbogdanovic commented 4 years ago

Anyone having this issue as you guys seem to the most involved! #64