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Miscellaneous suggestions #21

Closed gdgsdg123 closed 3 years ago

gdgsdg123 commented 5 years ago

Miscellaneous suggestions, towards the most advanced browser in universe.

Originally posted on XDA, but got removed somehow :(

(perhaps due to blocked all ads from XDA or what...)

  • [x] 0 Fixed in: Genie, 114
    Mitigation in: Kappa, 61 Redesigned UI.

This part(high-lighted), somehow appears too obstructive: (while most users don't care about the statistics... option to toggle switch perhaps?)

  • [ ] 1

An option to switch off the auto zoom-in?

  • [ ] 2

Interactive scroll-bar? (drag for fast navigation)

  • [ ] 3

Omnibox(address-bar) auto hide toggle switch? ("Settings" -> "Accessibility" -> "Toolbar always on screen", from: Quadea, 158)

And an optimization/extension to Omnibox gestures:

  • [ ] 4 Mitigation in: Quadea, 158 Via: "Settings" -> "Accessibility" -> "Desktop mode by default"

Persistent "Desktop site" switch? (only applies on newly created tabs, doesn't change existed tabs)

  • [ ] 5

Full URLs in "History"?.. (and "Bookmarks")

  • [ ] 6

Hmm... (edge of the page already) ("Find in page", accessibility)

Proposed solution: Making it retractable?.. (by sliding left/right on the right edge of the screen to show/hide)

  • [ ] 7 Essentially a problem about the selection?..

This toolbox... somehow shows up even not active on any input element.

  • [ ] 8

And this is what happens when long-tap on empty area of some input element... (only "Paste"?.. Prefer "Ctrl + A" anyway.)

  • [x] 9 Fixed in: Eta, 55 Doesn't appear to occur since aforementioned version. (Verified in: Omicron, 69)

Browsing while leaving pages with textbox with contents in (this one, eg) background.

When switch back, contents inside may disappear.

  • [ ] 10

Something not right with this thing... (Opened tabs (Incognito), "New incognito tab")

  • [ ] 11

If any mistake... (Notifications, "Close all incognito tabs", Reconfirmation?..)

  • [ ] 12

Not fully customizable?.. ("Download location")

  • [ ] 13

And it... just piles up, quite parallel. (Download Notifications)

  • [ ] 14

"Copy link"?.. as the situation got embarrassing here... (and show pop-up contains the copied text during call)

  • [ ] 15

"Open in new tab" context menu here?..

  • [ ] 16

Show navigation history here instead?.. (long press "Home") (same as long press "Back" button)

  • [ ] 17

"Opened tabs" button... Whoever long presses it may not want to open a tab, but close one... Make the long press to show a context menu perhaps?..

  • [ ] 18

Reconfirmation on history entry deletion?..

  • [ ] 19

And in "History", here press "Back" button will go back instead of hiding the toolbox. Whose behavior is inconsistent. (comparing to "Bookmarks", "Downloads")

  • [x] 20 Partly fixed in: Gamma, 49 Behavior described in this is somewhat fixed?.. Still occurs at times.

Omnibox(address-bar) with texts in, keyboard(arrow key left/right) behavior. (perhaps unwanted...)

  • [ ] 21

This thing unloads the current page... (causes refresh when go back) ("Recent tabs")

  • [ ] 22

An option to adjust UI font size? As one setting for all might not work well...

  • [x] 23 Fixed in: Andromeda, 93 Via: "Settings" -> "Themes" -> "Ultra White"

Option to force disable Omnibox(address-bar) coloring? (for whoever finds it somehow annoying...)

  • [x] 24 Fixed in: Deneb, 102
    Partly fixed in: Gamma, 49 Ineffective on start-up when set as: "chrome://newtab/"

Which seems like an unintended behavior...

"Opened tabs" button (long press) "Opened tabs" -> "New tab"

Opens default home page instead of custom home page defined at: "Settings" -> "Home page" -> "Open this page"

  • [ ] 25

Long-tap selecting on editable areas (eg, textarea), causes extreme zooming.

  • [ ] 26

A function to generate the current URL to QR code image?..

  • [ ] 27

Instead of going straight to "Select all" directly... try a similar stepped selecting schema perhaps? (word -> URI -> line -> container -> all)

  • [ ] 28

Functionality wise these 2 buttons are completely unnecessary... while they do take quite some space in this already crowded menu.

Consider removing them? (and I actually also want to mention that nameplate but... forget it for now)

  • [ ] 29

Realtime JavaScript control (without page refresh) from the menu.

  • [ ] 30

"Tools" in the menu, offering built-in interface for easy access to some essential functions: encodeURIComponent() decodeURIComponent() atob() btoa() ... (4 for now)

And maybe a simple console shell?.. (in "Tools")

  • [ ] 31

Advanced browsing parameter control: ("Advanced options", access from a button aside Omnibox(address-bar), shows a page like "Settings" controlling below parameters)

(URL) POST Referrer UA innerWidth Ignore redirections Reset contextmenu event Reset copy event Block clipboard access

And these options can be integrated into saved entries in "Bookmarks". (optional when "Advanced options" flag of the specific entry is set)

And when going back from a redirected page, prompt for "Ignore redirections" for smoother UX.

  • [ ] 32

Suggestion about an UI icon.

  • [ ] 33

With the soft-keyboard on, sliding actions (tab switch/close) on Omnibox(address-bar) are not being triggered.

Also I find the maximum achievable tab switching speed being bottlenecked by the transition animation... (again an example of counter-user animation)

  • [ ] 34

Navigation (via Omnibox) to "kiwi://extensions" triggers search engine... (probably for the whole "kiwi://" protocol... "chrome://" works OK)

  • [ ] 35

First reported on XDA:

"Back" button misbehavior... (causes the browser to go background... inopportunely)

Affects all newly created tabs via below (might missed some) routines: "New tab"; "New incognito tab"; "Bookmarks" -> "Select" -> "Open in new tab"; "Extensions";

gdgsdg123 commented 5 years ago

BTW I'd like to provide translation support for the UI (English -> Chinese), send me a reference file I'll do the work.

gdgsdg123 commented 5 years ago

And I use with following "labs_experiments", any comment?.. (what is unnecessary due to default already, etc)

PasswordForceSaving@1 ("Enabled") autoplay-policy@2 ("User gesture is required.") clear-old-browsing-data@2 ("Disabled") disable-pull-to-refresh-effect disallow-unsafe-http-downloads@2 ("Disabled") dont-prefetch-libraries@1 ("Enabled") enable-clipboard-provider@2 ("Disabled") enable-downloads-location-change@1 ("Enabled") enable-fast-unload enable-horizontal-tab-switcher@1 ("Enabled") enable-md-incognito-ntp@2 ("Disabled") enable-ntp-article-suggestions-expandable-header@1 ("Enabled") enable-ntp-snippets-increased-visibility@1 ("Enabled") enable-osk-overscroll enable-parallel-downloading@1 ("Enabled") enable-query-in-omnibox@2 ("Disabled") enable-quic@1 ("Enabled") enable-tcp-fast-open expensive-background-timer-throttling@1 ("Enabled") long-press-back-for-history@2 ("Disabled") offline-bookmarks@1 ("Enabled") offline-pages-failed-download@1 ("Enabled") offline-pages-pending-download@1 ("Enabled") omnibox-spare-renderer@2 ("Disabled") omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-subdomains@2 ("Disabled") simplified-ntp@1 ("Enabled") smooth-scrolling@2 ("Disabled")

halcion commented 5 years ago

Wow, very comprehensive list of things that certainly need fixing. Can we get a reply from the developer please?!

KaKi87 commented 3 years ago

Please check out the latest version from the Play Store, post eventual further issues to kiwibrowser/, and always create individual posts for each bug report or feature request.