Closed bt909 closed 1 year ago
The Python Docker image seems now to be based on alpine 3.18.3 (python:3.11.4-alpine3.18 and python:3.12.0rc1-alpine3.18) and the libcrypto3 and libssl3 vulnerabilities are gone in these images.
checking k8s-sidecar:1.25.0 all CVE's mentioned above are still there. We are waiting for a update in upstream base image.
python base images was updated in v1.25.1, so all CVE's listed above should be fixed. @bt909 pls rescan using image v1.25.1
Yes @ChristianGeie, all my mentioned CVEs are fixed in the v1.25.1 version. Thank you, I will close this issue as it is not an issue anymore.
There are some findings in the actual k8s-sidecar image.
As python:3.11.4-alpine3.18 is used as base image, there is no update available at the moment (even python 3.12.b04 is not fixed). The findings found in the Alpine image are fixed in Alpine 3.18.3, but the Python image is based on Alpine 3.18.2.
Dependabot should fix the base image issues in the next time, but maybe the python-pkg issue needs to be fixed here.